Dr. Laurie Wojcik
Research interests
- Theoretical Ecology
- Functional Ecology
- Food Webs resilience

Laurie Wojcik
Campus Botanischer Garten
University of Potsdam
Ecology and Ecosystem Modelling
Maulbeerallee 2, building 2
14469 Potsdam
Scientific career
since 2020 PhD student supervised by Pr. Dr. Ursula Gaedke, Dr. Christian Guill and Pr. Dr. Lutz Becks (Project Dynatrait)
2017 - 2019 Master of Science in Biology, Ecology and Evolution - Modelling in Ecology at Université de Rennes 1 (France)
Master’s thesis: Between trophic theory and macroecological data: allometric relations and functional response supervised by Matthieu
Barbier and Michel Loreau (Theoretical and Experimental Ecology Station, CNRS Moulis, France)
2016 - 2019 Master of Science(Ecole d’ingénieur) in Agronomic and Ecological Sciences at Agrocampus Ouest Rennes (France)
Thesis: Influence of 3 host seaweed species and their traits on the associated epibiotic assemblages supervised by John N. Griffin and
Tom Fairchild (Swansea University, Wales)
2013 - 2016 Preparatory classes for Ecole d’Ingénieur atLycéeAlbert Châtelet Douai (France)
Program : Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Sciences and Mathematics National contest in Agronomic and Veterinary Sciences
Barbier, M., Wojcik, L., & Loreau, M. (2021). A macro-ecological approach to predation density-dependence. Oikos, 130:553-570. (doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.08043)
Wojcik, L., Ceulemans R., & Gaedke, U. (2021). Functional diversity buffers the effects of a pulse perturbation on the dynamics of tritrophic food webs. Ecology & Evolution, 11:15639-15663. (doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8214)
24-27 Jan. 2022 Fifth Workshop on Trait-Based Approaches to Ocean Life
Online poster “Multitrophic diversity enhances resource use efficiency, production, top yield and robustness against perturbations
in tritrophic foodweb models” (Ruben Ceulemans, Laurie Wojcik, Christian Guill, George Adje, Ursula Gaedke)
14 Dec. 2021 Community Ecology (ComEc) conference
Online oral presentation “Functional diversity increases the robustness of tritrophic plankton foodwebs to a nutrient pulse” (Laurie
Wojcik, Ruben Ceulemans, Ursula Gaedke)
Best Talk Award
12-15 Dec. 2021 Joint British Ecological Society (BES) and Société Française d’Ecology et d’Evolution (SFE², French Society for Ecology and
Evolution) conference
Online poster “Functional diversity increases the robustness of tritrophic plankton foodwebs to a nutrient pulse” (Laurie Wojcik,
Ruben Ceulemans, Ursula Gaedke)
Online poster “Functional diversity can increase the robustness of a tritrophic foodweb to press perturbations” (George Adje,
Laurie Wojcik, Ursula Gaedke)
4-7 Oct. 2021 DynaTrait conference in Potsdam
Oral presentation “Functional diversity buffers the effects of a nutrient pulse on the dynamics of tritrophic plankton foodwebs”
(Laurie Wojcik, Ruben Ceulemans, Ursula Gaedke)
Poster “Functional diversity can increase the robustness of a tritrophic foodweb to press perturbations” (George Adje, Laurie
Wojcik, Ursula Gaedke)
27-30 Sept. 2021 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL, German limnological society) conference in Leipzig.
Oral presentation “Functional diversity alters the effects of a nutrient pulse on the dynamics of tritrophic plankton foodwebs”
(Laurie Wojcik, Ruben Ceulemans, Ursula Gaedke)
22-27 June 2021 Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) conference
Online oral presentation “Functional diversity alters the effects of a nutrient pulse on the dynamics of tritrophic plankton
foodwebs” (Laurie Wojcik, Ruben Ceulemans, Ursula Gaedke)
14-17 Sept. 2020 DynaTrait conference in Potsdam
Oral presentation “Response of tritrophic food chains and webs to external perturbations. Case of a pulse perturbation: nutrient
pulse” (Laurie Wojcik, Ruben Ceulemans, Ursula Gaedke)