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Bloom, Barthe, Malika Reetz & Ulrike Demske. 2024. Romankorpus Frühneuhochdeutsch (Roko.UP): A Collection of Early Modern German Narrative Prose. Journal of Open Humanities Data, X(X), 1–7. DOI: doi.org/10.5334/

Bloom, Barthe. akzeptiert.  Structuring the narrative with preposed adverbial clauses: a study of the German and Dutch Ponthus adaptations. In: Ulrike Demske & Barthe Bloom  (eds.), Discourse Structure and Narration: A Diachronic View from Germanic. Berlin: Language Science Press.

Reetz, Malika. akzeptiert.  Argument Realizing Verb Second Clauses in Early New High German Narratives - a Discourse Pragmatic Account In: Ulrike Demske & Barthe Bloom  (eds.), Discourse Structure and Narration: A Diachronic View from Germanic. Berlin: Language Science Press.

Bloom, Barthe. akzeptiert. Het gebruik van so in de zinsaanloop in de Duitse, Nederlandse en Engelse Ponthus. Taal en Tongval 76 (2024).

Bloom, Barthe. akzeptiert. Adverbial V3 in Early New High German? Construction(s) with so. Journal of Germanic Linguistics.



Bloom, Barthe, Malika Reetz & Ulrike Demske. 2023. Romankorpus Frühneuhochdeutsch (Roko.UP). https://zenodo.org/records/10210706


Bloom, Barthe. Productivity and the paradigm of preposed adverbial clause connection. Unravelling Productivity, Insights into usage, processing and variability. Ghent, May 2024.

Demske, Ulrike.  Narrative Inversion in Early New High German: Insights from Information and Discourse Structure. Workshop on Sentence Grammar and Discourse Grammar. Venedig, Mai 2024. 

Demske, Ulrike. Narrative Inversion in Early New High German: Insights from Information and Discourse Structure. Invited Talk. GLAC 30, Bloomington/Indiana, April 2024.

Bloom, Barthe. Early New High German preposed adverbial clauses: integration and discourse functions. ICHL 26, Heidelberg, September 2023.

Reetz, Malika.  V2-argument clauses from a historical perspective. ICHL 26, Heidelberg, September 2023.

Bloom, Barthe. Adverbial V3 in mimesis and diegesis: A study of the Early New High German and Dutch Pontus. Discourse and narration, Potsdam,  Mai 2023.

Reetz, Malika.  V2 in Early New High German argument and relative clauses: a discourse-pragmatic account. Discourse and narration, Potsdam, Mai 2023.

Bloom, Barthe. Integration, resumption and adjunction: The relation between Early New High German preposed adverbial clauses and their host. ICCG 12, Prague, Mai 2023.

Bloom, Barthe. Cohesion and/or disruption? The discourse functions of Early New High German adverbial + so. Cracks in the bottleneck: Verb-third and the polyoccupation of the initial slot in verb-second languages – insights from Germanic and beyond, Paris, Februar 2023.

Bloom, Barthe. Därmed så är det rätt bra. Doch so muß ich aynes dartzu sagen: The preverbal use of [ADVERB + so/så] in Modern Swedish and Early New High German. Constructions in the Nordics 3, Kiel, September 2022.

Demske, Ulrike. V1 Declaratives in the History of German. ICHL 25, Oxford, August 2022.

Bloom, Barthe. Left peripheral so in Early New High German narratives. ICHL 25, Oxford, August 2022.

Bloom, Barthe. Left peripheral so in the German, Dutch, and English Pontus. Small languages, Big ideas, Universität Oldenburg, Juli 2022.