Dr. Ing. Zoran Stamenkovic
Curriculum Vitæ
Dr. Ing. Zoran Stamenkovic ist Lehrbeauftragter an der Universität Potsdam, Gastwissenschaftler am IHP GmbH, Frankfurt (Oder) und Gastprofessor des Synopsys Armenia Educational Department. Er hat mehr als 160 wissenschaftliche Arbeiten veröffentlicht und mehr als 25 eingeladene Vorträge im Bereich Design und Test von integrierten Schaltungen und Systemen gehalten. Er ist leitender Herausgeber und Mitautor des Buches Silicon Systems for Wireless LAN, Stellvertretender Chefredakteur des Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, und Senior-Mitglied des IEEE.
Seine Forschungsinteressen umfassen Hardware und Software für Anwendungen der künstlichen Intelligenz, System-on-Chip-Design, fehlertolerante Schaltkreise und Systeme sowie die Modellierung von Ausbeute und Zuverlässigkeit integrierter Schaltkreise. Er ist Mitglied des Programmkomitees vieler wissenschaftlicher Konferenzen (DDECS, ETS, IOLTS, EWDTS, DTIS, MIEL und TELFOR). Dr. Stamenkovic war Generalvorsitzender von DDECS15 und Programmvorsitzender von DDECS18 und DDECS20.

Dr. Ing. Zoran Stamenkovic
Universität Potsdam
Institut für Informatik und Computational Science
An der Bahn 2
14476 Potsdam
nach Vereinbarung
- Z. Stamenkovic, G. Leger, and A. Bosio, Silicon Systems for Wireless LAN, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2020.
Beiträge in Journalen und Magazinen
- U. V. Nikhil, Z. Stamenkovic, and S. P. Raja, “A Study of Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Its Applications”, International Journal of Image and Graphics, vol.25, 2550062/1-48, 2025.
- P. Bagchi, B. Sawicka, Z. Stamenkovic, D. Markovic, and D. Bhattacharjee, “Potato Late Blight Outbreak: A Study on Advanced Classification Models Based on Meteorological Data”, Sensors, vol.24, pp.786401-786427, 2024.
- D. Markovic, Z. Stamenkovic, B. Djordjevic, and S. Randjic, “Image Processing for Smart Agriculture Applications Using Cloud-Fog Computing”, Sensors, vol.24, pp.596501-596526, 2024.
- D. Zhao, O. Schrape, Z. Stamenkovic, and M. Krstic, “ImSTDP: Implicit Timing On-Chip STDP Learning”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems—I: Regular Papers, 2024.
- G. Mariammal, A. Suruliandi, Z. Stamenkovic, and S. P. Raja, “A Novel Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithm for Predicting the Suitable Crop to Cultivate Based on Soil and Environment Characteristics”, IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol.47, pp.127-135, 2024.
- U. V. Nikhil, A. M. Pandiyan, S. P. Raja, and Z. Stamenkovic, “Machine Learning-Based Crop Yield Prediction in South India: Performance Analysis of Various Models”, Computers, vol.13, pp.13701-13727, 2024.
- S. C. Gundla, M. P. Karthik, M. J. K. Reddy, Gourav, A. Pankaj, Z. Stamenkovic, and S. P. Raja, “A Feature Extraction Approach for the Detection of Phishing Websites Using Machine Learning”, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, vol.33, 2450031/1-44, 2024.
- U. Poudel, A. M. Regmi, Z. Stamenkovic, and S. P. Raja, “Applicability of OCR Engines for Text Recognition in Vehicle Number Plates, Receipts and Handwriting”, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, vol.32, 2350321/1-51, 2023.
- S. P. Raja, B. Sawicka, Z. Stamenkovic, and G. Mariammal, “Crop Prediction Based on Characteristics of the Agricultural Environment Using Various Feature Selection Techniques and Classifiers”, IEEE Access, vol.10, pp.23625-23641, 2022.
- M. Andjelkovic, A. Simevski, J. Chen, O. Schrape, Z. Stamenkovic, M. Krstic, S. Ilic, G. Ristic, A. Jaksic, N. Vasovic, R. Duane, A. J. Palma, A. M. Lallena, and M. A. Carvajal, “A Design Concept for Radiation Hardened RADFET Readout System for Space Applications”, Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol.90-104486, pp.1-18, 2022.
- D. Markovic, D. Vujicic, S. Tanaskovic, B. Djordjevic, S. Randjic, and Z. Stamenkovic, “Prediction of Pest Insect Appearance Using Sensors and Machine Learning”, Sensors, vol.21, pp.484601-484613, 2021.
- M. R. Dincic, Z. H. Peric, M. Z. Tancic, D. B. Denic, Z. Stamenkovic, and B. Denic, “Support Region of µ-law Logarithmic Quantizers for Laplacian Source Applied in Neural Networks”, Microelectronics Reliability, vol.124, pp.11426901-11426915, 2021.
- M. V. Nikolic, V. Milovanovic, Z. Z. Vasiljevic, and Z. Stamenkovic, “Semiconductor Gas Sensors: Materials, Technology, Design, and Application”, Sensors, vol.20, pp.669401- 669430, 2020.
- E. Suhir and Z. Stamenkovic, “Using Yield to Predict Long-Term Reliability of Integrated Circuits: Application of Boltzmann-Arrhenius-Zhurkov Model”, Solid-State Electronics,vol.164, pp.1-4, 2020.
- P. Bagchi, D. Markovic, Z. Stamenkovic, D. Stojic, and D. Bhattacharjee, “Detection of Unhealthy Fruits Using Image Classification Based on A Deep Transfer Learning Framework”, Proc. International Scientific Conference UNITECH, Gabrovo (Bulgaria) 2024, (pp.1-7)
- S. Vairachilai, Z. Stamenkovic, and S. P. Raja, “Machine Learning Model for Classification of Space Radiation”, Proc. 6th International Conference on Radiation Applications, Granada (Spain) 2024, (pp.107-107)
- A. Sudhir, L. Joseph, N. Ahmad, S. Awasthi, V. Agarwal, S. P. Raja, and Z. Stamenkovic, “A Machine Learning Approach to Spam Detection in Social Media Feeds”, Proc. 33rd IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics, Nis (Serbia) 2023, (pp.303-308)
- Z. Stamenković, H. Aziza, E. Sanchez, and A. Bosio, “Silicon Systems for Wireless LAN”, Proc. 24th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (Embedded Tutorial), Vienna (Austria) 2021, (pp.157-158)
- M. Andjelkovic, J. Chen, A. Simevski, Z. Stamenkovic, M. Krstic, and R. Kraemer, “A Review of Particle Detectors for Space-Borne Self-Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Systems (invited)”, Proc. 18th IEEE East-West Design and Test Symposium, Varna (Bulgaria) 2020, (pp.1-8)
- M. Andjelkovic, A. Simevski, J. Chen, O. Schrape, Z. Stamenkovic, M. Krstic, S. Ilic, L. Spahic, L. Kostic, G. Ristic, A. Jaksic, A. J. Palma, A. Lallena, and M. A. Carvajal, “Design of Radiation Hardened RADFET Readout System for Space Applications”, Proc. 23rd IEEE EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design, Portoroz (Slovenia) 2020, (pp.484-488)
- N. Jeftenic, M. Simic, and Z. Stamenkovic, “Impact of Environmental Parameters on SNR and RSS in LoRaWAN”, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering, Istanbul (Turkey) 2020, (pp.1-6)
- D. Markovic, D. Vujicic, Z. Stamenkovic, and S. Randjic, “IoT Based Occupancy Detection System with Data Stream Processing and Artificial Neural Networks”, Proc. 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, Novi Sad (Serbia) 2020, (pp.1-4)
- Z. Peric, M. Dincic, M. Tancic, and Z. Stamenkovic, “New Solutions for the Support Region Calculation of Logarithmic Quantizers for the Laplacian Source”, Proc. 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, Novi Sad (Serbia) 2020, (pp.1-5)
- Z. Stamenkovic, A. Bosio, G. Cserey, O. Novak, W. Pleskacz, L. Sekanina, A. Steininger, G. Stojanovic, and V. Stopjakova, “International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems”, Proc. 50th International Test Conference, Washington, D.C. (USA) 2019, (pp.1-4)
- Z. Stamenković, K. Tittelbach-Helmrich, M. Krstić, M. Stojčev, and B. Dimitrijević, “Hardware/Software Co-Design of Wireless LAN Transceiver: A Case Study (invited)”, Proc. 31st International Conference on Microelectronics, Nis (Serbia) 2019, (pp.45-52)
- M. Andjelkovic, Y. Li, Z. Stamenkovic, M. Krstic, and R. Kraemer, “Characterization and Modeling of SET Generation Effects in CMOS Standard Logic Cells”, Proc. 25th IEEE International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design, Rhodes (Greece) 2019, (pp.212-215)
- Z. Stamenkovic, “Silicon Systems for Wireless Communications: Design, Modeling, Verification, Implementation, Integration, and Test”, 42nd International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (Keynote), Wroclaw (Poland) 2019.