Speech Training

At our university, one SWS speech and vocal training is obligatory for all studtens studying towards the teaching profession, because voice and language are a teacher´s tools. The students are sensitized for the sound of their own voice. They lern how to use their voice economically, so it can stay healthy and hold up against the high professional strain.
The course is baded in the Educational Science Studies or the study area Inclusion pedagogics:
In the winter semester 2011/12 and 2012/13 in module 4 (expired)
from winter semester 2013/14
- teaching profession Sekundarstufen I and II during the Bachelor: module BA-S1
- teaching profession for primary school during the master: module BW-M2
- Wirkungskriterien (PDF 292KB)
- Atmung (PDF 558KB)
- Stimmerzeugung (PDF 201KB)
- Artikulation (Vokal- und Konsonantensystem) (PDF 1,44MB)
- Stimmübungsprogramm (PDF 87KB)
- Hinweise zur Gesunderhaltung der Stimme (PDF 54KB)
- Schädlichkeit des Räusperns (PDF 111KB)
- Stimmstörungen (PDF 144KB)
- Sprech-, Sprach-, Redeflussstörungen (PDF 419KB)
- Literaturempfehlungen (PDF 54KB)
- Sprechübungen für verschiedene Laute (PDF 108KB)
- Zungenbrecher (PDF 91KB)
- Übungen zur Ausdrucksgestaltung (PDF 95KB)
- Gedichte (PDF 66KB)