You can reach your personnel officer at the following times
By telephone: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday during normal office hours
In person: Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 to 12:00 or by prior appointment
The HR department is not available by telephone on Wednesdays.
For personal concerns, please note the above office hours or make an appointment.
Sophie Riedl
Please make an appointment in advance.
Head of Section
Building 3, Room 1.14
Telefon: +49 331 977-113 147
E-Mail: sophie.riedluuni-potsdampde
Vivien Höcker
Assistance, job advertisements for non-scientific staff
Building 3, Room 1.09
Telefon: +49 331 977-113 106
E-Mail: vivien.hoeckeruuni-potsdampde
Bianca Krieger-Heiß
Deputy Head of Division
Head of Human Resources for academic staff and student employees
Building 3, Room 1.11
Telefon: +49 331 977-1371
E-Mail: bianca.krieger-heissuuni-potsdampde
Christin Althans
Basic processing of personnel matters for academic employees
Building 3, Room 1.11
Telefon: +49 331 977-1274
E-Mail: christin.waltheruuni-potsdampde
Lisa Hanna Schubert
Head of personnel matters for technical and administrative employees
Building 3, Room 1.15
Telefon: +49 331 977-1274
E-Mail: Lisa.Schubert.2uuni-potsdampde
Anne-Kathrin Jaensch
Personnel administrator for professors and civil servants - Area of Responsibility: A - L
Building 3, Room 1.10
Telefon: +49 331 977-1109
E-Mail: anne-kathrin.jaenschuuni-potsdampde
Anke Witt-Pioch
Personnel administrator for professors and civil servants - Area of Responsibility: M - Z
Building 3, Room 1.10
Telefon: +49 331 977-1070
E-Mail: anke.witt-piochuuni-potsdampde
Theresa Wangemann
Financial audit clerk for externally funded personnel, application processes, Personnel Processing Visiting Scientists and Visiting Professorships, Reimbursement of expenses
Building 3, Room 1.03
Telefon: +49 331 977-1862
E-Mail: theresa.wangemannuuni-potsdampde
Personnel processing for academic staff at the following institutions:
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Health Sciences
Digital Engineering Faculty
Central and Scientific Institutions
President´s Office
Katrin Eichler (Telefon: +49 331 977-1535, E-Mail: katrin.eichleruuni-potsdampde)
Luisa Steuke (Telefon: +49 331 977-1320, E-Mail: luisa.steuke.1uuni-potsdampde)
Haus 3, Raum 1.07
Personnel processing for academic staff at the following institutions:
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Faculty of Human Sciences
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Law
Doreen Hohensee (Telefon: +49 331 977-124 459, E-Mail: doreen.hohenseeuuni-potsdampde)
Nadine Atanassov (Telefon: +49 331 977-153 047, E-Mail: nadine.atanassovuuni-potsdampde)
Building 3, Room 1.08
Annekathrin Seeberger
Human resources administrator for scientific and student assistants
Building 3, Room 1.01
Telefon: +49 331 977-1067
E-Mail: annekathrin.seebergeruuni-potsdampde
Julia Hitzek
Human resources administrator for scientific and student assistants
Building 3, Room 1.01
Telefon: +49 331 977-124456
E-Mail: julia.hitzekuuni-potsdampde
Nancy Woitzek
Human resources administrator for scientific and student assistants
Building 3, Room 1.01
Telefon: +49 331 977-124442
E-Mail: nancy.woitzekuuni-potsdampde
Sandra Zeretzke
Human Resources Administrator for technical and administrative Personnel (Employees) - Area of Responsibility: A – G, W
Building 3, Room 1.06
Telefon: +49 331 977-1223
E-Mail: sandra.zeretzkeuuni-potsdampde
Alina Jeserigk
Human Resources Administrator for technical and administrative Personnel (Employees) - Area of Responsibility: H – Li
Building 3, Room 1.06
Telefon: +49 331 977-113156
E-Mail: alina.jeserigkuuni-potsdampde
Stefanie Amling
Human Resources Administrator for technical and administrative Personnel (Employees) - Area of Responsibility: Lo – R
Building 3, Room 1.02
Telefon: +49 331 977-106 610
E-Mail: stefanie.amlinguuni-potsdampde
Laura-Marie Radke (currently not in service)
Human Resources Administrator for technical and administrative Personnel (Employees) - Area of Responsibility: S - U, W - Z
Building 3, Room 1.02
Telefon: +49 331 977-153014
E-Mail: d3-sekuuni-potsdampde
Jeniffer Sabisch
Absence clerk, in particular advice on sickness and vacation matters and company integration management (BEM) - Area of Responsibility: L - Z
Building 3, Room 1.16
Telefon: +49 331 977-113 112
E-Mail: jeniffer.sabischuuni-potsdampde
Ida Henkel
Trainee office management assistant - D3 Assistance
Building 3, Room 1.09
Telefon: +49 331 977-155350
E-Mail: ida.henkeluuni-potsdampde