Archive (2020 - 2023)
- 12/13/23
- 4.15-5.00 p.m. Patrick Auhagen (University of Potsdam), Iñaki Cano (University of Potsdam) & Melanie Uth (University of Potsdam) "Grenzen der Variabilität bei spanischen Relativsatzkomplementierern", abstract (PDF 116 KB)
- 5.00-5.45 p.m. Aaron Schmidt-Riese (University of Potsdam) & Martin Pfeiffer (University of Potsdam) "Dialekt-Standard- Variabilität in der frühen Kindheit: Eine längsschnittliche Korpusstudie zur phonologischen Entwicklung", abstract (PDF 115 KB)
- 11/29/23 Barthe Bloom (University of Potsdam) & Ulrike Demske (University of Potsdam) "Integration, resumption, and adjunction: The relation between Early New High German preposed adverbial clauses and their host", abstract (PDF 187 KB)
- 11/21/23 Şeyda Özçalışkan (Georgia State University) "Is seeing gesture necessary for the (timely) acquisition of language-specific patterns in co-speech gesture and their lack in silent gesture?", abstract (PDF 63 KB)
- 11/15/23 Nanna Fuhrhop (University of Potsdam) "Neues aus der vergleichenden Graphematik", abstract (PDF 130 KB)
- 11/01/23 Annette Gerstenberg (University of Potsdam) "LangAge Corpora: A Longitudinal Approach to Linguistic Aging", abstract (PDF 112 KB)
- 06/19/2023Nina Reuther (Independent Researcher) - "Language as Mirror of Looking at the (Sorrounding) World"
- 06/14/2023 Lingustic Lunch Networking round for the chairs and working areas "Linguistics" at the Faculty of Arts
- 06/07/2023Wojciech Lewandowski(University of Potsdam) - "Motion event expression in native and second language speakers" Abstract (PDF 70,6KB)
- 05/31/2023 Ana María Reyes-Vujović (University of Potsdam) - "Contacto lingüístico entre el español y el tikuna de la Amazonia colombiana" ("Das Tikuna und der linguistische Kontakt zum Spanischen im Amazonas Gebiet Kolumbiens") Abstract (PDF 116KB)
- 05/17/2023 Kasper Boyé (University of Copenhagen), "A usage-based theory of grammatical status and its implications for language processing and aphasiology”
- 05/03/2023 Timofey Arkhangelskiy (Hamburg University), "Udmurt dialectometry: vocabulary, syntax and language contact"
- 04/19/2023 Francesco Gardani (University of Zürich) - "Towards a typology of morphological MAT borrowing"
- 02/01/2023 Alena Witzlack-Makarevich (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) - "Co-argument sensitivity of argument marking: distribution and variation"
- 01/25/2023 Jan Fliessbach & Johanna Rockstroh (Universität Potsdam) - "Tu sais quoi? Qu’est-ce que tu racontes! Qu’est-ce que tu as? Verb induced object placement patterns in French partial interrogatives" Abstract (pdf 367KB)
- 01/18/2023 Laura Becker (Univerisität Freiburg) - "Zero forms in morphology: Patterns and explanations"
- 12/14/2022 Andrey Shluinsky (Universität Hamburg) - "Aspect in Enets (< Samoyedic < Uralic): a case-study of Slavic-style system in a non-Slavic language"
- 12/07/2022 Vladimir Panov (University of Vilnius) - "Addressee cross-linguistically: Toward a typology informed by linguistic anthropology and interactional linguistics"
- 11/30/2022Zi Wang (French Research Institute on East Asia (IFRAE), Paris-Frankreich) - "East asian migration communities in Germany: Question of language, wellbeing, and the role of heritage educational organisations" Abstract (pdf 332KB)
- 11/23/2022 Ilja Seržant (Universität Potsdam) - "Diachronic tendencies in argument flagging patterns of Slavic"
- 11/16/2022 Taiane Malabarba (Universität Potsdam) - "'How is life treating you': A longitudinal study of openings in transmodal chat interactions of multilingual tandem partners" Abstract (pdf 357KB)
- 11/09/2022Natalya Stoynova (Universität Hamburg) - "Using corpus methods to assess inter-speaker variation in contact-influenced Russian: data from bilingual Nanai and Ulcha speakers"
- 10/12/2022 Björn Wiemer (JGU Mainz) - "Unity behind diversity among tense-aspect uses in the non-past domain of Slavic languages"
- 12/22/2021 Janus-Brief 2021 (pdf 750KB)
- 07/14/2021 Jannis Androutsopoulos (Universität Hamburg) - Die Sprachlandschaft der Pandemie: Diskurstypen und semiotischer Wandel am Beispiel von Hamburg
- 07/07/2021 Jana Roos (Universität Potsdam) & Howard Nicholas (La Trobe University, Australien) - Ways of working with linguistic landscapes in primary and secondary EFL classrooms
- 06/02/2021 Heiko F. Marten (Leiter des Informationszentrums des DAAD in Riga, Lettland) - "Spot German" im Baltikum: Deutsch als 'Ergänzungssprache der Gesellschaft' im 'äußeren Kreis' seiner internationalen Stellung
- 05/08/2021 Beitrag des Zentrum Sprache - Variation - Mehrsprachigkeit zum Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften unter dem Titel "Sprachlandschaften - Die sprachliche Vielfalt Berlin, Brandenburgs entdecken
- 02/03/2021 Neele-Frederike Mundt (Universität Koblenz-Landau) - How Corona changed the Linguistic Landscape: Towards a cognitive-linguistic classification of Corona-related signs
- 01/13/2021 Darian Gerstenberger - Die Linguistic Landscape von Berlin. Eine Studie zur Repräsentation von Sprachen in ausgewählten urbanen Räumen mit besonderer Beobachtung des Türkischen.
- 12/16/2020 Diren Yapar - Linguistic Landscapes: Visuelle Mehrsprachigkeit in urbanen Städten (Istanbul; Berlin) – Eine Einführung mit Daten-Session
- 12/11/2020 Janus-Brief 2020 (pdf 787KB)
- 12/09/2020 Marion Schulte (Universität Bielefeld) - Language Choice in Multilingual Communities – Linguistic Landscaping and Linguistic Ethnography in Dublin
- 11/27/2020 Marietta Calderón Tichy (Universität Salzburg) - Linguistic Landscaping: Forschungsüberblick und -potenzial
- 02/07/2020 Newsletter 2020 (pdf 2.63MB)
- 01/31/2020 Stefania Marzo (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven): "On the emergence and evolution of an urban vernacular – Linguistic and meta-linguistic heritage of first generation Italian miners in Flanders (Belgium)" (12 Uhr c.t., Raum, Campus "Am Neuen Palais", Potsdam)
- 01/29/2020 Esther Jahns (Humboldt-Universität Berlin / Universität Potsdam): "Authentizität und Präskriptivität – Sprachideologien und Sprachentscheidungen jüdischer Sprecher*innen im heutigen Berlin" (16 Uhr c.t., Raum, Campus "Am Neuen Palais", Potsdam)
Archive (2020 - 2018)
- Janus-Letter 2019 (pdf 1.11MB)
- 01/31/2020 Stefania Marzo (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven): "On the emergence and evolution of an urban vernacular – Linguistic and meta-linguistic heritage of first generation Italian miners in Flanders (Belgium)"
- 01/29/2020 Esther Jahns (Humboldt University of Berlin / University of Potsdam): "Authentizität und Präskriptivität – Sprachideologien und Sprachentscheidungen jüdischer Sprecher*innen im heutigen Berlin"
- 12/11/2019 Jaklin Kornfilt (Syracuse University): "Pseudo-Noun Incorporation versus Noun-Incorporation in Turkish Subextraction"
- 11/27/201 Werner Frey (Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics): "Unterschiedliches kommt unterschiedlich an den rechten Rand"
- 11/07/2019 Workshop in collaboration with the Network Digital Humanities: "Keine Angst vor spitzen Klammern - Introduction to XML and regular expressions"
- 10/30/2019 Susan Coetzee-Van Rooy (North-West University): "Language awareness from the grassroots: Experiences of multilingual South African urban youth"
- 07/10/2019 Fabio Proia (Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma): "Ist der deutsche Eurolekt eine selbständige Varietät? Erste Ergebnisse aus dem Vergleich zwischen EU- und bundesdeutscher Gesetzgebungssprache" - Cancelled due to the event "25 Jahre Philosophische Fakultät"
- 02/25/2019 SFB Guest Lecture held by Louise Eley (King's College London): "A linguistic ethnography of Frankfurt’s Bahnhofsviertel"
- 02/25/2019 SFB Guest Lecture held by Kenan Hochuli (University of Zurich): "Interaktive Konfigurationen der Marktstandkommunikation in Istanbul und Zürich"
- Newsletter beginning of 2019 (pdf 1.11MB)
- Janus-Letter 2018 (pdf 1.18MB)
- 10/18/2018 SFB-Colloquium with Ben Rampton (King's College London): "Linguistic ethnography"
- 10/18/2018 SFB-Talk with María Piñango (Yale University): "Cognitive 'Drivers' of Linguistic Meaning Variation"
- 10/17/2018 SFB-Colloquium with Ray Jackendoff (Tufts University/MIT) and Jenny Audring (Universiteit Leiden): "Extending the Parallel Architecture"
- 10/15/2018 Cooperation partner of the SFB 1287 (project A01) Ray Jackendoff (Tufts University/MIT) and Jenny Audring (Universiteit Leiden): "The Texture of the Lexicon: Relational Morphology in the Parallel Architecture" (Humboldt University of Berlin)
- 08/01/2018 5th Linguistic Meetup Berlin-Potsdam
- 07/04/2018 Jaime W. Hunt and Sacha E. Davis (University of Newcastle, Australia): “'Mein Deutsch ist nicht sehr gut': German as a Heritage Language in Newcastle, Australia"
- 06/29/2018 RUEG guest lecture by Jason Rothman (University of Reading): "Input Experiences Determine Heritage Speaker Linguistic Outcomes: The Experience to Outcome Hypothesis (E-->OH)"
- 06/28/2018 Mercator Fellow of the Research Unit “Emerging Grammars in Language Contact Situations” Maria Polinsky (University of Maryland): "Heritage language as a window on language design"
- 06/27/2018 Mercator Fellow of the Research Unit “Emerging Grammars in Language Contact Situations” Shana Poplack (University of Ottawa): "Making research on multilingualism relevant to stakeholders"
- 02/21-23/2018 Research School "Language Contact within systems and speakers"
- Newsletter beginning of 2018 (pdf 2.57MB)
- Janus-Letter 2017 (pdf 11.40MB)
- 01/11/2018 Wine & Cheese
Archive (2017 - 2015)
- 11/29/2017 Lecture held in Berlin by one of our associate members: Ad Backus (Universiteit van Tilburg): "Shouldn’t happen, should it? Tight grammatical integration despite typological distance in Turkish-Dutch language contact"
- 11/22/2017 Doreen Georgi (University of Potsdam): "Subject / non-subject asymmetries in Igbo"
- 07/12/2017 Theresa Biberauer (Churchill College, University of Cambridge): "Learning from commands in contact situations: southern African case studies"
- 06/14/2017 Hans Boas (University of Texas at Austin): "Sprachwandel im Texasdeutschen: interne und externe Faktoren"
- 04/22/2017 "March for Science" in Berlin, report of the event
- 02/22/2017 Wine & Cheese
- 01/25/2017 Nico Nassenstein (Universität Köln): "Afrikanische Jugendsprachen - Variation und Sprachkontakt"
- Newsletter 2016 (pdf 2.29M)
- Janus-Letter 2016 (pdf 1.65MB)
- 11/23/2016 Eva Kimminich (Universität Potsdam): "RAPublikaner und Gottesprediger: Politik und Wortgewalt in Frankreichs Vorstädten"
- 11/02/2016 Flavia Adani and Maja Stegenwallner-Schütz (Universität Potsdam): "Aladdin-Gruppe - Experimentelle Studien zum Spracherwerb, zu Spracherwerbsstörungen, zur Satzverarbeitung"
- 11/02/2016 Dalit Assouline (Universität Haifa): "Contemporary ultra-orthodox Yiddish"
- 09/09/2016 3rd Linguistic Meetup Berlin-Potsdam
- 07/13/2016 Artemis Alexiadou (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): "Possessive noun phrases in Heritage Greek: language variation and change"
- 06/22/2016 Juliana Goschler (Universität Oldenburg): "Die Kodierung von Bewegung in der Zweitsprache: Transfer oder Komplexitätsreduktion?"
- 06/15/2016 Horst Simon (Freie Universität Berlin): "Asterix und die globale Wurschtsemmel; mit Bonustracks zu: wie Rihanna und die Ramones glokalisiert wurden"
- 06/08/2016 Anne-Laure Daux-Combaudon (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3): "/Ost/- und /West/-N-Komposita im Ost-West-Diskurs"
- 02/03/2016 Christine Dimroth (Universität Münster): "Der Beginn des L2-Erwerbs: Entwickelt sich im Klassenzimmer eine Basisvarietät"
- 01/25/2016 Wine & Cheese
09/04/2015 2. Linguistic Meetup Berlin-Potsdam - 07/22/2015 Laurentia Schreiber (Freie Universität Berlin), Ioanna Sitaridou (University of Cambridge): "Assessing sociolinguistic vitality: an attitudinal study on Rumca"
- 07/08/2015 Agi Schründer-Lenzen (Universität Potsdam)
- 07/01/2015 Betreuungsprogramm des Zentrums SVM
- 06/24/2015 Jana Gamper (Universität Potsdam): "Kasusmarker vs. Konstruktion - Ein kontrastiver Blick auf Strategien bei der Agensdetermination im L2-Erwerb" ("Case Marker vs. Construction - A Contrastive View on Strategies concerning the Agent Determination in L2-Acquisition")
- 06/17/2015 Isabell Wartenburger
- 06/03/2015 Dagmar Barth-Weingarten (Universität Potsdam): Presentation of the staff's current research projects (Chair of Present-Day English Language and Linguistics
- 04/27/2015 Wine & Cheese
- 1/28/2015 Dr. Hector Kamdem (Universität Bayreuth): "Camfranglais— eine jugendsprachliche Varietät in Kamerun"
- 1/21/2015 Prof. Kira Gor (University of Maryland/Universität Potsdam): "The Multilingual Lexicon"
- 01/07/2015 Prof. Janet Fuller (Southern Illinois University): "Sprachideologien und soziale Identitäten: Berlin und Southern Illinois, USA"
Archive (2014 - 2012)
- 12/03/2014 James McElvenny (University of Sydney): "Grammar, typology and the Humboldtian tradition in the work of Georg von der Gabelentz"
- 11/26/2014 Prof. John te Velde (Oklahoma State University / SFB 632 Information Structure Guest lecture): "Prosodic and Syntactic Properties of the West Germanic Left Periphery: insights from some new varieties of German"
- 11/06/2014 Participation at the Turkish-German Science-Slam, Maria Pohle, Philip Bracker
- 11/06/2014 Participation at the Turkish-German Week at the Universität Potsdam: "Ist Grammatik logisch?" (poster and experiment) Heike Wiese, Mehmet Tahir Öncü, Philip Bracker; "KidKo - Das Kiezdeutsch Korpus" (poster) Heike Wiese, Ines Rehbein
- 10/08/2014 Excursion Filmtage über Flucht und Migration: "Re:fuge! Zu:flucht!" der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
- 9/26/2014 Participation 11. Kinder-Universität: "Wie sprechen Menschen in Deutschland? Ein Sprachenquiz", Philip Bracker und Katharina Mayr
- 09/05/2014 "Selbst forschen ist mehr interessant" – Cross-linguistic Priming bei bilingualen SprecherInnen Türkisch-Deutsch (Linguistik MeetUp TU Berlin; Linda Gennis, Britta Schulte, Yasemin Can, Oliver Bunk)
- 06/25/2014 Invited speaker PhD Therese Leinonen University of Turku: "Experimental approaches to the study of language ideologies in Swedish-language Finland"
- 06/14/2014 Presentation of the LVM-mentoring programms research-project at the Potsdam Science Day
- 06/13/2014 Participating in Hochschulinformationstag
- 05/14/2014 Invited speaker von Dr. Karen Pupp Spinassé der Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, Brasilien) zum Thema: "Linguistische und soziale Aspekte des brasilianischen Hunsrückischen"
- 04/23/2014 Invited speaker Prof. Dr. Elke Ronneberger-Sibold (Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) Kinamic und Maikäferflugbenzin - Neuere morphologische Trends in deutschen Markennamen für Nahrungsmittel/Getränke (im Vergleich mit anderen Warenklassen).
- 03/26/2014 Excursion to the discussion: Das mehrsprachige Klassenzimmer: Wie viel Deutsch braucht ein Berliner Schulkind? Initiative DEUTSCH 3.0, Goethe-Institut & Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS)
- 03/01/2014 Presentation of the Centre for Language, Variation and Migration at the Inauguration of the Potsdam Science Lab
- 02/24-26/2014 Excursion to the5th workshop of linguistic methods at Humboldt-University Berlin.
- 02/06/2014 Wine & Cheese
- 01/29/2014 Invited speaker Dr. Inke Du Bois: Diskursive Konstruktion von Identität.
- 11/27/2013 Invited speaker Sina Bosch (PRIM) Morphosyntactic causes processing difficulty for late bilinguals: Evidence from cross-modal priming.
- 11/21/2013 Invited speaker Dr. Kathrin Kunkel-Razum Wie kommt ein Wort ins Wörterbuch? Aus der Arbeit der Dudenredaktion.
- 09/27/2013 Participating in 10th Potsdam Children-University
- 06/14/2013 Excursion to Moviemento: Canim Kreuzberg
- 05/13/2013 Wine & Cheese
- 01/23/2013 Presentation by Prof. Dr. Peter Kosta, Teodora Radeeva-Bork Urbane Sprachvariation: Spätaussiedler und Migranten in Brandenburg.
- 01/09/2013 Presentation by Prof. Dr. Gerda Haßler, Anja Hennemann, Verónica Böhm, Kathleen Plötner, Stefanie Wagner, Udo Mai Variation im Bereich des Ausdrucks der Sprecherperspektive in romanischen Sprachen.
- 12/05/2012 Presentation by Prof. Dr. Thomas Stehl Romanische Sprachkontakte und Sprachdynamiken in einer funktionalen Variationslinguistik.
- 11/07/2012 Presentation by Dr. Markus Messling, Philipp Krämer, Markus Lenz Varianz als Devianz: Anthropologie und Politik der Sprachvariation.
- 07/12/2012 Invited speaker Prof. Dr. Hans C. Boas (University of Texas) Variation in Texas German.
- 07/10/2012 Invited speaker Prof. Dr. Manshu Ide (Rikkyo University, Japan) Style of nominalization in Early New High German. C
- 07/04/2012 Faculty of Arts-Day
- 02/27-29/2012 Excursion to the 3rd workshop of linguistic methods at the Humboldt University in Berlin.
- 02/08/2012 Invited speaker Prof. Dr. Ulrike Demske (University of Potsdam): Verbstellungsvariation in hypothetischen Vergleichssätzen.
- 02/01/2012 Presentation of the dissertation project of Anja Boneß (University of Osnabrück): Orate and literate structures in spoken and written language. A comparison of monolingual and bilingual pupils.
- 02/31/2012 Excursion to the Ballhaus Naunynstraße:Verrücktes Blut.
- 01/25/2012 Invited speaker Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Verhoeven (HU Berlin): Zur Typologie nicht-kanonischer Argumente: Experimentelle Erfassung der Variation zwischen Sprachen.
- 01/23/2012 Excursion to theJewish Museum in Berlin: Monday Movies "Deutschland 09"
- 01/11/2012 Presentation by Harald Clahsen & Claudia Felser at the Potsdam Research Institute for Multilingualism: Grammatical Processing in Late Bilinguals.
- 01/09/2012 Wine & Cheese
Archive (2011 - 2009)
- 12/15/2011 Invited speaker Prof. Dr. Ingvild Nistov (University of Bergen, Norway): Multiethnic youth language in Oslo - A report from the UPUS project.
- 12/14/2011 Invited speaker Prof. Dr. Guido Seiler (University of Freiburg): Wie komplex ist das Deutsche? Die Substantivmorphologie von fünf Varietäten im Vergleich.
- 11/30/2011 Invited speaker Dr. Peter Rosenberg (Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder): "Überflutete Sprachinseln“: Grammatikabbau in deutschen Varietäten in Russland und Brasilien.
- 11/16-20/2011 Excursion to the 50th StuTS (students conference of linguistics) at the Georg-August University of Göttingen
- 11/09/2011 Invited speaker Dr. Stefanie Jannedy (ZAS Berlin): Perception & Attitude
- 09/06/2011 Invited speaker Prof. Dr. Peter Culicover (University of Ohio) Constructions and word order variation at the SFB Information Structure.
- 07/06/2011 Workshop for TEMPO by Eva Wittenberg
- 07/22/2011 Presentation of the Magisterthesis of Maria Klessmann "Being German - Who wants that to be? An empirical research of adolescent girls with migration background in Berlin at identification and dissociation"
- 07/20/2011 Discussion with Prof. Dr. Inken Keim (University of Mannheim)
- 06/20/2011 Invited speaker Prof. Dr. Inken Keim (University of Mannheim): "New Forms of Kommunikation and ways of speaking in multiethnic urban evironments"
- 06/08/2011 Invited speaker Kutly Yagmur (University of Tilburg): "Acculturation orientations of German and Turksh speakers in Germay"
- 06/01-04/2011 49. StuTS (student conference for linguistics) in Leipzig
- 04/27/2011 Invited speaker Beatrice Schulze (University of Potsdam)
- 04/05/2011 Workshop for statistics/ R by Jana Brunner
- 02/28- 03/02/2011 Excursion to the workshop for psycholinguistical approaches (Humboldt University Berlin)
- 02/22-25/2011 Excursion DGfS-conference (University of Göttingen)
- 02/14/2011 Excursion "Gutes Wedding, schlechtes Wedding"
- 01/12/2011 Invited speaker Elke Nowak (University of Potsdam)
- 01/03/2011 Wine & Cheese
- 12/032010 Invited speaker Isil Erduyan (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- 11/17-21/2010 48th students conference for linguistics- "StuTS" (University Potsdam)
- 11/03/2010 Invited speaker John Peterson (University Leipzig)
- 19/3-6/2010 The 10th Biannual Meeting of the German Society for Cognitive Science (University Potsdam: KogWis 2010)
- 07/26/2010 Beer and Halloumie No.1
- 07/21/2010 Presentation by Prof. Dr. Isabell Wartenburger at the colloquium "Sprache, Variation, Migration", Topic: "Zwei Sprachen- Ein Gehirn! Wie das Gehirn Sprache(n) erlernt und verarbeitet"
- 06/10-13/2010 "Sprachgebrauch in mehrsprachigen Räumen"- international conference (Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder)
- 06/05/2010 "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften" (long night of sciences)
- 05/12-16/2010 47th StuTS in Mainz
- 04/26/2010 Excursion 'Neukölln Unlimited'
- 03/11/2010 Schülercampus at the University of Cottbus
- 02/23-26/2010 DGfS conference (Humboldt University - Berlin)
- 12/14/2009 Wine & Cheese