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Below is a sample of our current publications:


  • Blank, H., & Oeberst, A. (in press). Exploring common ground in the repressed vs. false memories debate. Legal and Criminological Psychology.
  • Wachendörfer, M. M., & Oeberst, A. (in press). Differences between true and false memories using the Criteria-Based Content Analysis. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38, e4246.
  • Oeberst, A. & Oberlader, V. (in press). Degrees of Freedom as breeding ground for biases – a threat to forensic practice. Law and Human
  • Imhoff, R., Meuer, M., Oeberst, A. & Mokros, A. (2024). Gibt es organisierten rituellen Kindesmissbrauch? InMind, 2. 
  • Mokros, A., Schemmel, J., Körner, A., Oeberst, A., Imhoff, R., Suchotzki, K., Oberlader, V., Banse, R., Kannegießer, A., Gubi-Kelm, S., Lehmann, R. & Volbert, R. (2024). Rituelle sexuelle Gewalt: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit fragwürdigen empirischen Belegen für ein fragliches Phänomen [Ritual sexual violence: A critical appraisal of dubious empirical evidence for a doubtful phenomenon]. Psychologische Rundschau [Vorab-Onlinepublikation].
  • Oeberst, A. & Ridderbecks, T. (2024). Self-selection: How article category in Wikipedia determines the heterogeneity of its authors. Scientific Reports, 14, 740. 
  • Krebs, M.-C., Oeberst, A.* & von der Beck, I. (2024). The wisdom of the crowd is not a foregone conclusion. Effects of Self-Selection on (collaborative) knowledge construction. Topics in Cognitive Science, 16(2), 206-224.  *shared first authorship 


  • Oeberst, A., & Imhoff, R. (2023). Towards parsimony in bias research. Proposing a common framework of belief-consistent information processing. Perspectives in Psychological Science, 18(6), 1464-1487.
  • Meuer, M., Nestler, S., & Oeberst, A. (2023). What determines hindsight bias in written work? One field and three experimental studies in the context of Wikipedia. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 29(2), 239-258.  
  • Wachendörfer, M. M., & Oeberst, A. (2023). Differences Between True and False Autobiographical Memories. European Psychologist, 28(4), 247–264.
  • Jacobs, S., Schnepf, J., Wachendörfer, M.M., & Oeberst, A. (2023). Auswirkungen impliziter Plausibilitätserwartungen über das Nachtatverhalten von Vergewaltigungsopfern auf die Glaubwürdigkeits- und Glaubhaftigkeitsbeurteilung durch Laien. Rechtspsychologie, 9(4), 468–489.


  • Meuer, M., Oeberst, A., & Imhoff, R. (2022). How do conspiratorial explanations differ from non-conspiratorial explanations? A content analysis of real-world online articles. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(2), 288-306.
  • Oeberst, A., & Goeckenjan, I. (2022). May a witness challenge the conviction? (Some) Confirmation bias in law students and judges. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 16, 293-299.  
  • Meuthen, D., & Oeberst, A. (2022). Does word order predict ethnocentric helping behavior? Results of a ‘lost letter’ field experiment in Berlin. Journal of Articles in Support of the Null-Hypothesis, 18, 57-66.