Dr. Mira Tschorn
teaching obligation
Focus of work
- Preventing mental disorders across the life span
- Comorbidity of affective disorders and cardiovascular diseases
- Neurobiological mechanisms of mental disorders (esp. depression and substance abuse disorders)
- Study coordination for PDCAN (part of the german research network for mental disorders: Forschungsnetzwerk "Psychische Erkrankung")

Campus Golm
House 62, Room 2.19 (H-Lab)
Am Mühlenberg 9
14476 Potsdam
Hoffmann, S., Tschorn, M., & Spallek, J. (2024). Social inequalities in early childhood language development during the COVID-19 pandemic: A descriptive study with data from three consecutive school entry surveys in Germany. International Journal for Equity in Health, 23(1), 1–13.
Heinzel, S., Tschorn, M., Schulte-Hutner, M., Schäfer, F., Reese, G., Pohle, C., Peter, F., Neuber, M., Liu, S., & Keller, J. (2023). Anxiety in response to the climate and environmental crises: Validation of the Hogg Eco-Anxiety Scale in Germany. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.
Böttger, S. J., Förstner, B. R., Szalek, L., Koller-Schlaud, K., Rapp, M. A., & Tschorn, M. (2023). Mood and anxiety disorders within the Research Domain Criteria framework of Positive and Negative Valence Systems: A scoping review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17, 1184978.
Förstner, B. R., Böttger, S. J., Moldavski, A., Bajbouj, M., Pfennig, A., Manook, A., Ising, M., Pittig, A., Heinig, I., & Heinz, A. (2023). The associations of Positive and Negative Valence Systems, Cognitive Systems and Social Processes on disease severity in anxiety and depressive disorders. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1161097.
Förstner, B. R., Tschorn, M., Reinoso-Schiller, N., Maričić, L. M., Roecher, E., Kalman, J. L., Stroth, S., Mayer, A. V., Schwarz, K., & Kaiser, A. (2023). Mapping Research Domain Criteria using a transdiagnostic mini-RDoC assessment in mental disorders: A confirmatory factor analysis. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 273(3), 527–539.
Tschorn, M., Schulze, S., Förstner, B. R., Holmberg, C., Spallek, J., Heinz, A., & Rapp, M. A. (2023). Predictors and prevalence of hazardous alcohol use in middle-late to late adulthood in Europe. Aging & Mental Health, 27(5), 1001–1010.
Loss, J., Blume, M., Neuperdt, L., Flerlage, N., Weihrauch, T., Manz, K., Thamm, R., Poethko-Müller, C., Mauz, E., Rattay, P., & Tschorn, M. (2023). What is the health status of girls and boys in the COVID-19 pandemic? Selected results of the KIDA study.
Höhne, E., Böge, K., Karnouk, C., Tschorn, M., Banaschewski, T., Hoell, A., Sukale, T., Plener, P., Schneider, F., & Padberg, F. (2023). Culturally sensitive stepped care for adolescent refugees: Efficacy and cost–utility of a multicentric randomized controlled trial. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 1–13.
Schumann, G., Andreassen, O. A., Banaschewski, T., Calhoun, V. D., Clinton, N., Desrivieres, S., Brandlistuen, R. E., Feng, J., Hese, S., & Hitchen, E. (2023). Addressing Global Environmental Challenges to Mental Health Using Population Neuroscience: A Review. JAMA Psychiatry.
Böge, K., Karnouk, C., Hoell, A., Tschorn, M., Kamp-Becker, I., Padberg, F., Übleis, A., Hasan, A., Falkai, P., & Salize, H.-J. (2022). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness for the treatment of depressive symptoms in refugees and asylum seekers: A multi-centred randomized controlled trial. The Lancet Regional Health–Europe, 19.
Hoffmann, S., Tschorn, M., Michalski, N., Hoebel, J., Förstner, B. R., Rapp, M. A., & Spallek, J. (2022). Association of regional socioeconomic deprivation and rurality with global developmental delay in early childhood: Data from mandatory school entry examinations in Germany. Health & Place, 75, 102794.
Rane, R. P., de Man, E. F., Kim, J., Görgen, K., Tschorn, M., Rapp, M. A., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A. L., Desrivieres, S., & Flor, H. (2022). Structural differences in adolescent brains can predict alcohol misuse. Elife, 11, e77545.
Tschorn, M., Lorenz, R. C., O’Reilly, P. F., Reichenberg, A., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A. L., Quinlan, E. B., Desrivières, S., Flor, H., & Grigis, A. (2021). Differential predictors for alcohol use in adolescents as a function of familial risk. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), 157.
Tschorn, M., Kuhlmann, S. L., Rieckmann, N., Beer, K., Grosse, L., Arolt, V., Waltenberger, J., Haverkamp, W., Müller-Nordhorn, J., & Hellweg, R. (2021). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, depressive symptoms and somatic comorbidity in patients with coronary heart disease. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 33(1), 22–30.
Rapp, M., Tschorn, M., Supprian, T., Thomas, C., Kreisel, S., Benninghoff, J., Schumann, G., & Heinz, A. (2021). Potentials and limits of aging cohort studies for geriatric psychiatry. Der Nervenarzt, 92, 219–227.
Schumann, G., Tschorn, M., Heinz, A., & Rapp, M. (2021). IMAGEN and beyond: Novel population neuroscientific strategies for clinical and global cohorts in the STRATIFY and GIGA consortia. Der Nervenarzt, 92, 234–242.
Beer, K., Kuhlmann, S. L., Tschorn, M., Arolt, V., Grosse, L., Haverkamp, W., Waltenberger, J., Strehle, J., Martus, P., & Müller-Nordhorn, J. (2020). Anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder in patients with coronary heart disease. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 1, 100009.
Brandt, J., Warnke, K., Jörgens, S., Arolt, V., Beer, K., Domschke, K., Haverkamp, W., Kuhlmann, S. L., Müller-Nordhorn, J., & Rieckmann, N. (2020). Association of FKBP5 genotype with depressive symptoms in patients with coronary heart disease: A prospective study. Journal of Neural Transmission, 127, 1651–1662.
Warnke, K., Brandt, J., Jörgens, S., Arolt, V., Beer, K., Domschke, K., Haverkamp, W., Kuhlmann, S. L., Müller-Nordhorn, J., & Rieckmann, N. (2020). Association of 5-HTTLPR/rs25531 with depressive symptoms in patients with coronary heart disease: A prospective study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 277, 531–539.
further publications
Kallies, G., Rapp, M. A., Fydrich, T., Fehm, L., Tschorn, M., Terán, C., Schwefel, M., Pietrek, A., Henze, R., & Hellweg, R. (2019). Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) at rest and after acute aerobic exercise in major depressive disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 102, 212–215.
Kuhlmann, S. L., Tschorn, M., Arolt, V., Beer, K., Brandt, J., Grosse, L., Haverkamp, W., Müller-Nordhorn, J., Rieckmann, N., & Waltenberger, J. (2017). Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor and stability of depressive symptoms in coronary heart disease patients: A prospective study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 77, 196–202.
Tschorn, M., Rieckmann, N., Arolt, V., Beer, K., Haverkamp, W., Martus, P., Waltenberger, J., Mueller-Nordhorn, J., & Stroehle, A. (2017). Diagnostic accuracy of German depression screenings in patients with coronary heart disease. Psychiatrische Praxis, 46(1), 41–48.
Tschorn, M., Neuperdt, L., Blume, M., Flerlage, N., Allen, J., & Loss, J. (2022). Which Containment Measures in the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic are Children and Young People affected by?-Results of the KIDA Study by the Robert Koch Institute. Gesundheitswesen, 860–860.
Tschorn, M., Poethko-Muller, C., Thamm, R., & Scheidt-Nave, C. (2022). Subjective Health, physical Symptom Burden and special Care Needs of Children and Adolescents after two Years of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: First Results of the KIDA Study 2022. Gesundheitswesen, 860–860.
Tschorn, M., Lorenz, R.C., Banaschewski, T., Nees, F., Millenet, S., Walter, H., Schumann, G., Heinz, A., Rapp, M.A. (2022): Differenziellen Prädiktoren von Alkoholkonsum bei Jugendlichen in Abhängigkeit von familiärem Risiko
Tschorn, M. (2016): Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) – Ein dimensionaler Ansatz in der Diagnostik und pathogenetischen Forschung. Workshop im Rahmen des DGBP-Kongresses; 22. September in Würzburg.
Ertl, M., Beer, K., Kuner, L., Engelmann, V., Arolt, V., Waltenberger, J., Haverkamp, W., Rieckmann, N., Müller-Nordhorn, J., Hellweg, R., Ströhle, A. (2015): BDNF in patients with coronary heart disease and comorbid depression: A CDCare add-on study. Vortrag auf XV. Kongress der IFPE; 7. bis 10. Oktober in Bergen, Norwegen.
Ertl, M., Beer, K., Engelmann, V., Kuner, L., Rieckmann, N., Haverkamp, W., Waltenberger, J., Arolt, V., Hellweg, R., Müller-Nordhorn, J., Ströhle, A. (2014): BDNF bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit und komorbider Depression: eine CDCare-Zusatzstudie. Vortrag auf dem Kongress der DGPPN; 26. bis 29. November in Berlin.
Ertl, M., Rieckmann, N., McFarland, S., Arolt, V., Haverkamp, W., Ströhle, A., Waltenberger, J., Müller-Nordhorn, J. (2013): Vergleichende Erkennungsgüte deutschsprachiger Depressionsscreenings. Poster auf dem Kongress der DGPPN; 27. bis 30. November in Berlin.