Nanoscale Devices
With advances in fabrication and manipulation, systems at the nanoscale - smaller than a single strand of human hair - have gained much attention. In our group we study work extraction and work storage processes that take place at the nano and quantum scale. Here we consider quantum systems that couple to work loads such as quantum dots coupled to carbon nanotube resonators, and NV centers coupled to mechanical cantilevers. Our research focusses on the theoretical modelling and characterisation of these devices, with a strong passion for working with experiments on feasible proposals. We are part of the DFG funded Research Unit FOR 2724 - Thermische Maschinen in der Quantenwelt
which aims to answer many fundamental and practical questions on the operation of thermal machines in the quantum regime.
If you want to read more about the topic, you can start here:
- Ultrastrong coupling between electron tunneling and mechanical motion, F. Vigneau, J. Monsel, J. Tabanera, K. Aggarwal, L. Bresque, F. Fedele, F. Cerisola, G.A.D. Briggs, J. Anders, J.M.R. Parrondo, A. Auffèves, and N. Ares, Ultrastrong coupling between electron tunneling and mechanical motion, Phys. Rev. Res. 4, 043168 (2022).
- Coupling a single spin to high-frequency motion, F. Fedele, F. Cerisola, L. Bresque, F. Vigneau, J. Monsel, J. Tabanera, K. Aggarwal, J. Dexter, S. Sevitz, J. Dunlop, A. Auffèves, J. Parrondo, A. Pályi, J. Anders, and N. Ares, Coupling a single spin to high-frequency motion, arXiv:2402.19288 (2024).