BSc and MSc projects
We welcome highly motivated students to get in touch with us about research opportunities for Bachelor and Master projects.
The research focus of the group is quantum information theory, quantum thermodynamics, and related aspects of statistical physics.
More details can be found under the "Research" tab above.
If you are potentially interested in doing a project in our group, the quickest way is to send a very brief email to either Janet Anders, or Karen Hovhannisyan, or Carsten Henkel, and we can then arrange a chat where your questions can be answered.

Prof. Dr. Janet Anders
Group leader
Campus Golm
Bldg. 28, Room 2.085

Prof. Dr. Carsten Henkel
Campus Golm
Bldg. 28, Room 2.083

Dr. Karen Hovhannisyan
Campus Golm
Bldg. 28, Room 2.102