Ann-Katrin Mandry
Short biography
Ann-Katrin Mandry read European Studies at the University of Passau as well as at the University and the Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po) of Strasbourg from 2012 to 2016, specialising in political science and Romance studies. She then completed her Master’s degree in Political Science, Governance and Public Policy at the University of Passau as well. During her studies, she worked as a student assistant at the Chair of Romance Literature/Cultural Studies (focus on France) and was awarded a scholarship by the Max Weber Program of the Free State of Bavaria. From 2020 to 2025, she worked at the German Research Institute for Public Administration in Speyer as a research associate in various research projects, in the field of science management and in science-based consulting for local administrations. In January 2025, she successfully defended her PhD thesis on “Informality in the EU Multi-Level System – An Interdisciplinary Study on the Occurrence, Functioning and Democratic Implications of the Phenomenon” at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer. Ann-Katrin Mandry has been working as a research associate at the Chair of German Politics and Government since March 2025.
Ann-Katrin Mandry’s research interests lie in the field of European politics, policy-making in multi-level systems and comparative government and public administrative research. In particular, she deals with the phenomenon of informality from a political and administrative science perspective, with the concept of assertiveness of member state administrations in European negotiation arenas and, from a comparative European perspective, with the development of civil service leaders.
- Summer term 2025: “Zwischen Vielfalt und Einheit – Die föderale Struktur Deutschlands” [Between Diversity and Unity – Germany's Federal Structure] (Bachelor, seminar), University of Potsdam
- Summer term 2025: “Managing the Unexpected – Crisis Governance in the European Multi-Level System” (Master, seminar), University of Potsdam
- Summer terms 2022 und 2023, winter term 2023/24: Block course on European law for technical trainees, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer
- Summer term 2022: Block course on governance and administration in the European multi-level system, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Villach
- Summer term 2015: Tutorial for the lecture “Introduction to French Cultural Studies”, University of Passau
Schomaker, R. M.; Mandry, A. (2025). Informalität im Politikbetrieb der EU – ethische und praktische Überlegungen [Informality in EU Politics – Ethical and Practical Considerations]. ORDO – Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, De Gruyter, 74 (1), 1-24.
Schomaker, R. M; Hack, M.; Mandry, A. (2021). Has the Covid-19 pandemic led to more informal and decentralised EU decision-making?. EUROPP – European Politics and Policy, blog entry of 21st July 2021.
Schomaker, R. M; Hack, M.; Mandry, A. (2021). The EU’s Reaction in the First Wave of the Covid-19 Pandemic between Centralisation and Decentralisation, Formality and Informality. Journal of European Public Policy, 28 (8), 1278-1298.
Schomaker, R. M; Hack, M.; Mandry, A. (2021). National Pacemaking and Informal Arenas – The EU’s Reaction in the First Wave of Covid-19 Pandemic. FÖV Discussion Papers 90.
Conference contributions
(2025) Mandry, A.: “Zum Demokratie- und Legitimationsdefizit der EU” [The EU's Democratic and Legitimacy Deficit], 56th Radein Research Seminar “Zukunft der Ordnungsökonomik als freiheitliche Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft” [The Future of Regulatory Economics as a Liberal Order of Economy and Society]”, South Tyrol, Italy, 2ndto 9th February 2025.
(2023) Schomaker, R. M.; Mandry, A.: “Assertiveness of Member State Administrations on the European Level”, Conference Track: PSG XIV: EU Administration and Multi-Level Governance, EGPA Annual Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, 5th to 8th September 2023.
(2023) Schomaker, R. M.; Mandry, A.: “Informalität im Politikbetrieb der EU – ethische und praktische Überlegungen” [Informality in EU Politics – Ethical and Practical Considerations], 54th Radein Research Seminar “Aktuelle Fragen der Ordnungs- und Unternehmensethik” [Current questions of regulatory and business ethics], South Tyrol, Italy, 5th to 12thFebruary 2023.
(2022) Schomaker, R.M.; Mandry, A.: “Emergence and Effects of Informal Modes of Action in the European Multi-level System”, Conference Track: PSG XIV: EU Administration and Multilevel Governance, EGPA Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 6th to 9th September 2022.
(2022) Mandry, A.: “Zur digitalen Zukunft Europas – Die Coronakrise als EU-Reformbeschleuniger?” [On Europe’s Digital Future – the Coronavirus Crisis as an Accelerator of EU Reforms?], International Symposium “Auf dem Weg zum digitalen Europäischen Verwaltungsraum” [Towards a Digital European Administrative Space], Speyer, Germany, 22nd to 23rd September 2022.
(2022) Mandry, A.: “Was geschieht hinter den Kulissen von Politik und Verwaltung? – Eine interdisziplinäre Betrachtung informellen Handelns im europäischen Mehrebenensystem” [What Is Happening Behind the Scenes of Politics and Administration? – An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Informal Actions in the European Multi-Level System], 17th German-French Annual Meeting on Comparative Public Law, International and European Law, Speyer, Germany, 29th June to 1stJuly 2022.
Campus Griebnitzsee
Universität Potsdam
Lehrstuhl Politik und Regieren
in Deutschland
August-Bebel-Straße 89
14482 Potsdam
Universitätskomplex III/1
D-14482 Potsdam