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Writing Assistance for International Students


You have an idea about the module paper you need to write. However, you feel lost about how to narrow down your idea, how to grow and structure your text, or how to revise and edit it. If this situation sounds familiar, we offer a solution: 4-week English Module Paper Workshop. Here, you will get to know about the various steps of the writing process, along with various writing tools and methodologies to shape your module paper towards a final submission.

When: from February 18th to March 6th on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:15-11:45
With whom: Lea Thelow
Where: online via zoom

For more details please click here.

To register for the workshop please click here.

image: AdobeStock #168450333

Are you about to write an essay, a paper or a thesis and need assistance? Please do not hesitate to ask our writing assistants for guidance.


  • Support the overall writing process for English academic texts
  • Influence of personal factors on the writing process
  • Leverage sociocultural variances in the writing process (for non-native speakers of English)
  • Time management and writing motivation
  • Reading skills – an intrinsic part of the writing process
  • Getting started with your writing
  • Inner critic and the writer’s block

Leaflet: Writing Assistance at the Faculty of Arts

Leaflet: Writing Assistance at the Center for Languages and Key Competences (Zessko)

image: AdobeStock #168450333

until 04.03.2025: 

Tuesday 12:00 - 14:00
Am Neuen Palais 10, house 11, room  2.23

Friday 10:00 - 12:00
Meeting ID: 673 3902 3450
Code: 23675845

from 11.03.2025:

Tuesday 9:00 - 13:00
Am Neuen Palais 10, house 11, room  2.23

Friday 10:00 - 12:00
Meeting ID: 673 3902 3450
Code: 23675845

Writing Assistance
