Alumni and Alumnae
Dr. Paul Voit
- Thesis: From Extreme Precipitation to Flash Floods - Advancing Hazard Assessment with Downward Counterfactual Scenarios (Project: I12)
- Defended on: 24 February 2025
Dr. Joaquin Vicente Ferrer (third cohort)
- Exploring Global Exposure to Large Landslides: Learning from Spatial Patterns and Temporal Trends (Project: P10)
- Defended on: 18 February 2025
Dr. Madlen Peter (first cohort)
- Thesis: Extreme Niederschläge in einer sich verändernden Welt - räumlich-zeitliche Resonanz auf saisonale Variationen und Klimawandel (Project: P3)
- Defended on: 5 February 2025
Dr. Behnam Maleki Asayesh (third cohort)
- Thesis: Towards Improved Aftershocks Forecasts: Insights from stress scalars, fault geometry, and statistical modelling (Project: I10)
- Defended on: 3 February 2025
Dr. Adane Buni Irkiso (associated)
- Thesis: Drought monitoring and adaptation strategies in agriculture
- Defended on: 22 November 2024
Dr. Lisa Berghäuser (second cohort)
- Thesis: Adaptation to flood risk over time - from quantification to prediction of adaptation behaviour of households living in flood-prone areas (Project: P7)
- Defended on: 18 September 2024
Dr. Seth Bryant (third cohort)
- Thesis: Aggregation and Disaggregation in Flood Risk Models (Project: Q11)
- Defended on: 12 July 2024
Dr. Shubham Sharma (second cohort)
- Thesis: Integrated Approaches to Earthquake Forecasting: Insights from Coulomb Stress, Seismotectonics, and Aftershock Sequences (Project: I6)
- Defended on: 8 May 2024
Dr. Lena Katharina Schmidt (second cohort)
- Thesis: Altered Hydrological and sediment dynamics in high-alpine areas – exploring the potential of machine-learning for estimating past and future change (Project: P5)
- Defended on: 12 December 2023
Dr. Zahra Zali (associated)
- Thesis: Volcanic tremor analysis based on advanced signal processing concepts including music information retrieval (MIR) strategies
- Defended on: 12 September 2023
Dr. Lucy Mphatso Ng’ombe Mtilatila (associated)
Dr. Lisa Victoria Luna (second cohort)
- Thesis:Rainfall-triggered landslides: conditions, prediction, and warning(Project: I8)
- Defended on: 22 June 2023
Dr. Omar Mahmoud Abdelwahab Seleem (associated)
- Thesis: Towards urban pluvial flood mapping using data-driven models
- Defended on: 20 June 2023
Dr. Lukas Cornelius Schoppa (second cohort)
- Thesis: Dynamics in the Flood Vulnerability of Companies (Project: Q7)
- Defenden on 24 March 2023
Dr. Christian Passow (second cohort)
- Thesis: An approach for the classification of European windstorms (Project: I5)
- Defended on 24 January 2023
Dr. Mauricio de Jesus Arboleda Zapata (associated)
- Thesis: Adapted inversion strategies for electrical resistivity data to explore layered near-surface environments
- Defended on 20 January 2023
Dr. Oscar Esli Jurado de Larios (associated)
- Thesis: Extreme Rainfall Events: Incorporating Temporal and Spatial Dependence to Improve Statistical Models
- Defended on 28 November 2022
Dr. Reza Dokht Dolatabadi Esfahani (second cohort)
- Thesis: Time-dependent Monitoring of Near-surface and Ground Motion Modeling: Developing New Data Processing Approaches based on Music Information Retrieval (MIR) strategies (Project: I7)
- Defended on 28 October 2022
Dr. Melanie Fischer (second cohort)
- Thesis: Outburst Floods in the Greater Himalayas - From Regional Susceptibility to Local Hazard (Project: Q8)
- Defended on 21 October 2022
Dr. Jana Ulrich (second cohort)
- Thesis: Statistical Modeling of Extreme Precipitation on Different Timescales – Towards Consistent and More Efficient Use of Available Data (Project: P6)
- Defended on 26 August 2022
Dr. Abhirup Banerjee (second cohort)
- Thesis: Characterizing the spatio-temporal patterns of Extreme Events - from recurrence to prediction (Project: Q5)
- Defended on 16 August 2022
Dr. Guilherme Samprogna Mohor (associated)
- Thesis: Exploring the transferability of flood loss models across flood types
- Defended on 5 July 2022
Dr. Fabio Brill (associated)
- Thesis: Applications of machine learning and open geospatial data in flood risk modelling
- Defended on 17 June 2022
Dr. Matthias Kemter (second cohort)
- Thesis: River floods in a changing world (Project: Q6)
- Defended on 10 June 2022
Dr. Johannes Joscha Vogel (second cohort)
- Thesis: Seasonal variations in the ecological impacts of compound climate events (Project: I9)
- Defended on 22 February 2022
Dr. Erwin Rottler (first cohort)
- Thesis: Transient merging of two Rhine flow regimes from climate change (Project: P2)
- Defended on 30 August 2021
Dr. Jennifer von Keyserlingk (first cohort)
- Thesis: Assessment of early-warning signals and tipping points of sudden ecosystem shifts causing rapid land degradation in drylands (Project: P4)
- Defended on 20 July 2021
Dr. Thomas Moran (first cohort)
- Thesis: Factors affecting the severity of European winter windstorms (Project: I1)
- Defended on 18 June 2020
Dr. Irene Crisologo (associated)
- Thesis: Enhancing the effectiveness of flood early warnings in the Philippines
- Defended on 19 November 2019
Dr. Sebastian von Specht (first cohort)
- Thesis: Likelihood-based Optimization in Strong-motion Seismology (Project: I3)
- Defended on 25 October 2019
Dr. Jonas Laudan (first cohort)
- Thesis: Changing susceptibility of flood-prone residents in Germany - mental coping and mitigation behaviour in the context of different flood types (Project: Q3)
- Defended on 13 August 2019
Dr. Georg Veh (first cohort)
- Thesis: Outburst floods from moraine-dammed lakes in the Himalayas: Detection, frequency, and hazard (Project: I4)
- Defended on 12 August 2019
Dr. Bernhard Fiedler (first cohort)
- Thesis: Change-point detection for seismicity parameter (Project: I2)
- Defended on 10 July 2019
Dr. Viktor Rözer (associated)
- Thesis: Pluvial flood loss to private households
- Defended on 9 May 2019
Dr. Dadiyorto Wendi (first cohort)
- Thesis: Recurrence Plots and Quantification Analysis of Flood Runoff Dynamics (Project: Q1)
- Defended on 5 April 2019
Dr. Tobias Sieg (first cohort)
- Thesis: Reliability of flood damage estimates across spatial scales (Project: Q4)
- Defended on 22 February 2019
Dr. Ugur Öztürk (first cohort)
- Thesis: Learning more to predict landslides (Project: P1)
- Defended on 21 February 2019
Dr. Ankit Agarwal (first cohort)
- Thesis: Unravelling spatio-temporal climatic patterns via multi-scale complex network (Project: Q2)
- defended on 29 January 2019
Dr. Amelie Stolle (associated)
- Thesis: Catastrophic Sediment Pulses in the Pokhara Valley, Nepal
- defended on 3 July 2018