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Alumni and Alumnae

Dr. Paul Voit

  • Thesis: From Extreme Precipitation to Flash Floods - Advancing Hazard Assessment with Downward Counterfactual Scenarios (Project: I12)
  • Defended on: 24 February 2025

Dr. Joaquin Vicente Ferrer (third cohort)

  • Exploring Global Exposure to Large Landslides: Learning from Spatial Patterns and Temporal Trends (Project: P10)
  • Defended on: 18 February 2025

Dr. Yan Li (associated)

  • Thesis: Investigating the Influence of Deforestation on Drought Across Multiple Time Scales
  • Defended on: 14 February 2025

Dr. Madlen Peter (first cohort)

  • Thesis: Extreme Niederschläge in einer sich verändernden Welt - räumlich-zeitliche Resonanz auf saisonale Variationen und Klimawandel (Project: P3)
  • Defended on: 5 February 2025

Dr. Behnam Maleki Asayesh (third cohort)

  • Thesis: Towards Improved Aftershocks Forecasts: Insights from stress scalars, fault geometry, and statistical modelling (Project: I10)
  • Defended on: 3 February 2025


Dr. Adane Buni Irkiso (associated)


Photo: Seth

Dr. Seth Bryant (third cohort)

Photo: Seth

Lisa Luna

Dr. Lisa Victoria Luna (second cohort)

Lisa Luna

Omar Seleem

Dr. Omar Mahmoud Abdelwahab Seleem (associated)

Omar Seleem

Lukas Schoppa

Dr. Lukas Cornelius Schoppa (second cohort)

Lukas Schoppa

Christian Passow

Dr. Christian Passow (second cohort)

Christian Passow

Mauricio Zapata

Dr. Mauricio de Jesus Arboleda Zapata (associated)

Mauricio Zapata

Oscar Jurado

Dr. Oscar Esli Jurado de Larios (associated)

Oscar Jurado

Melanie Fischer

Dr. Melanie Fischer (second cohort)

Melanie Fischer

Abhirup Banerjee

Dr. Abhirup Banerjee (second cohort)

Abhirup Banerjee

Guilherme Samprogna Mohor

Dr. Guilherme Samprogna Mohor (associated)

Guilherme Samprogna Mohor

Fabio Brill

Dr. Fabio Brill (associated)

Fabio Brill

Matthias Kemter

Dr. Matthias Kemter (second cohort)

Matthias Kemter

Joscha Vogel

Dr. Johannes Joscha Vogel (second cohort)

Joscha Vogel

Dr. Erwin Rottler (first cohort)

Jennifer von Keyserlingk

Dr. Jennifer von Keyserlingk (first cohort)

Jennifer von Keyserlingk

Th. Moran
Photo: Moran

Dr. Thomas Moran (first cohort)

Th. Moran
Photo: Moran

Irene Crisologo
Photo: I. Crisologo

Dr. Irene Crisologo (associated)

Irene Crisologo
Photo: I. Crisologo

S. von Specht
Photo: S. von Specht

Dr. Sebastian von Specht (first cohort)

S. von Specht
Photo: S. von Specht

Georg Veh

Dr. Georg Veh (first cohort)

Georg Veh

B. Fiedler
Photo: B. Fiedler

Dr. Bernhard Fiedler (first cohort)

  • Thesis: Change-point detection for seismicity parameter (Project: I2)
  • Defended on 10 July 2019
B. Fiedler
Photo: B. Fiedler

Dr. Iulii Didovetz (associated)

  • Thesis: Assessment of climate change impact on river runoff and extremes in Ukraine
  • Defended on 17 May 2019

Victor Roezer

Dr. Viktor Rözer (associated)

Victor Roezer

Dr. Dadiyorto Wendi (first cohort)

Tobias Sieg

Dr. Tobias Sieg (first cohort)

Tobias Sieg

Dr. Ugur Öztürk (first cohort)

Dr. Ankit Agarwal (first cohort)

Dr. Amelie Stolle (associated)