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Prof. Dr. Ina Kerner

Professor of "Dynamics of Globalisation", Seminar of Political Science, Institute of Cultural Studies, University of Koblenz-Landau


Universität Koblenz-Landau
Campus Koblenz


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Academic Background

Prof. Dr. Ina Kerner started her academic career at the intersection of political science/ political theory and transdisciplinary gender studies as a student at the University of Bonn and since then has worked in the fields of feminist theory, postcolonial theory and transnational solidarity, mostly, but not exclusively, from a political theory perspective. She has published monographs such as “Differences and Power: On the Anatomy of Racism and Sexism” (Differenzen und Macht. Zur Anatomie von Rassismus und Sexismus, Campus 2009) and “An Introduction to Postcolonial Theories” (Postkolonial Theorien zur Einführung, Junius 2012). Her research has also brought her on to fellowships at the Center for Humanities Research of the University of the Western Cape in Cape Town, the Center for Postcolonial Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London, the research network at Free University, Berlin, and the Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research in Duisburg, Germany. Ina has taught at all three Berlin Universities (Freie Universität. Technische Universität as well as Humboldt-Universität), at the New School for Social Research in New York and at Quaid-i-Azam-University in Islamabad, Pakistan, before taking a position in 2017 at the University of Koblenz-Landau. 

Research Interests

  • political and social theory
  • gender studies, esp. feminist theory and intersectionality research
  • postcolonial studies
  • transnational solidarity 

Select Research Projects

  • director of the DFG-funded research project " Diversity, Power, and Justice. Transcultural Perpectives" (Diversität Macht und Gerechtigkeit: Transkulturelle Perspectiven). 
  • ongoing book project on postcolonial political theory
  • ongoing book project on challenges of transnational feminist solidarity
  • student research project on postcolonial Koblenz

Select Publications

  • Zu einer kritischen Theorie der Politik in postkolonialen Zeiten. In: Ulf Bohmann, Paul Sörensen (Hg.): Zur Kritischen Theorie der Politik heute. Berlin 2019: Suhrkamp.
  • Interrogating Western Modernity: Postcolonial Reflections on Occidental Claims and Action. In: Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã, Jg. 23, Heft 2/2018, S. 35-52. Zum Text
  • Postcolonial Theories as Global Critical Theories. In: Constellations, Jg. 25, Heft 4/2018, S. 614–628
  • Beyond Eurocentrism: Trajectories Towards a Renewed Political and Social Theory. In:  Philosophy and Social Criticism, Jg. 44, Heft 5/2018, S. 550–570
  • Relations of Difference: Power and Inequality in Intersectional and Postcolonial Feminist Theories. In: Current Sociology, Jg. 65, Heft 6/2017, S. 846-866.