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El Mehdi Ait Oukhzame
One struggle one fight: intersectional discourses and activisms for climate justice in the Global South.
A history of ideas: Mexico’s Feminist Foreign Policy as part of a “global” project
Defiant Identities: The Other under Scrutiny
The Cultivation of Man: tracing pedagogies of improvement in 19th century agricultural education
Thinking with (Honey)Bees: Interspecies Intimacy in the Patchy Anthropocene
Entanglements in the U.S. Prison and Detention Complex. Resources of Survival and Abolitionist Horizons in Practices of (Kin) Relating
An Archipelago of Influence: Pitcairn Islanders from Literary Contradictions to Focal Points in British and U.S. American 19th Century Colonial Writing
Untold Treasures of the Tilism: Mapping an alternative cosmopolitan imagination in Salman Rushdie’s magical realist fiction.
Name Misleading, Address Unknown: World-Literature Between Literary Communism and Nobody Particular
'Ontologies In Conversation': Restitution As A Cosmopolitan Practice
Between “postsoviet” and “East European”: transnational cartographies of power in feminist scholarly journals in Ukraine (1998-2022).
The humanitarian diagnosis of vulnerability: An anthropological analysis of psychological vulnerability assessments in the German asylum procedure
Resisting Waste Colonialism: Indigenous Literary Interventions
The Cutting Edge: Experimental Aesthetics and Gendered Bodies in the Artistic Practices of Annette Messager, Rei Kawakubo and Lisa Robertson
The Queer Modernist Novel: Experimentations in Bodily Desire and Textual Aesthetics
“I Myself Don’t Have Many Words”: Nonbinary Life-Writing or a Theory of the Nonbinary Through Confusion, Discomfort and Affective Imaginaries
Genealogies of the Coronavirus Pandemic in the Context of Climate Change and Environmental Devastation