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Third Generation Doctoral Fellows

Isadora Cardoso

One struggle one fight: intersectional discourses and activisms for climate justice in the Global South.

María Paulina Rivera Chávez

A history of ideas: Mexico’s Feminist Foreign Policy as part of a “global” project

Mohammad Dalla

Defiant Identities: The Other under Scrutiny

Sophia Doyle

The Cultivation of Man: tracing pedagogies of improvement in 19th century agricultural education

Annabell Fender

Thinking with (Honey)Bees: Interspecies Intimacy in the Patchy Anthropocene

Sofie Fingado

Entanglements in the U.S. Prison and Detention Complex. Resources of Survival and Abolitionist Horizons in Practices of (Kin) Relating

Sebastian Jablonski

An Archipelago of Influence: Pitcairn Islanders from Literary Contradictions to Focal Points in British and U.S. American 19th Century Colonial Writing

Abiral Kumar

Untold Treasures of the Tilism: Mapping an alternative cosmopolitan imagination in  Salman Rushdie’s magical realist fiction.

Milica Labaš

Name Misleading, Address Unknown: World-Literature Between Literary Communism and Nobody Particular

Fogha MC Cornilius Refem

'Ontologies In Conversation': Restitution As A Cosmopolitan Practice

Vira Sachenko

Between “postsoviet” and “East European”: transnational cartographies of power in feminist scholarly journals in Ukraine (1998-2022).

Ricarda Theobald

The humanitarian diagnosis of vulnerability: An anthropological analysis of psychological vulnerability assessments in the German asylum procedure

Associated Doctoral Fellow

Alisa Preusser

Resisting Waste Colonialism: Indigenous Literary Interventions

Joint Degree Fellows from the University of Melbourne

Photograph of Brittany Craig

Brittany Craig

The Cutting Edge: Experimental Aesthetics and Gendered Bodies in the Artistic Practices of Annette Messager, Rei Kawakubo and Lisa Robertson

Photograph of Dylan Rowen

Dylan Rowen

The Queer Modernist Novel: Experimentations in Bodily Desire and Textual Aesthetics

Claude Kempen

“I Myself Don’t Have Many Words”: Nonbinary Life-Writing or a Theory of the Nonbinary Through Confusion, Discomfort and Affective Imaginaries

Postdoctoral Fellows

Dr. Sofia Varino

Genealogies of the Coronavirus Pandemic in the Context of Climate Change and Environmental Devastation