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lernen : next level

Your podcast about game-based learning

Das ist das Logo für den Podcast "lernen : next level" von Mandy Dörre und Kevin Birkefeld
Picture: Mandy Dörre
Logo Podcast "lernen : next level" © 2023 by Mandy Dörre is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Gaming and school? Do they go together? We say they belong together!

The podcast "lernen : next level" is dedicated to the fascinating approach of game-based learning and its application in education. At a time when digital games occupy a significant place in the lives of children and young people, there is an opportunity to explore innovative methods for teaching. Game-based learning seems to be ideally suited to this, as digital games and game cultures offer very promising approaches for learning and educational processes through different ways of learning.

On the first Monday of every month, Mandy Dörre and Kevin Birkefeld talk about exciting ideas and approaches for bringing the topic into schools and integrating it into lessons. In addition to theoretical basics, there are many insights from experts from science and practice.

Furthermore you can watch the lernen:digital Impuls on YouTube. This is an introductory presentation for everyone, who wants to dive into the topic "game-based learning".

The podcast is produced as part of the project network "Digitalisierungsbezogene und digital gestützte Professionalisierung von Sport-, Musik- und Kunstlehrkräften (DigiProSMK)" by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, funded by the "Kompetenzverbund lernen:digital".

Attention (!): the content of the podcast is only available in German


Das ist das Logo für den Podcast "lernen : next level" von Mandy Dörre und Kevin Birkefeld
Picture: Mandy Dörre
Logo Podcast "lernen : next level" © 2023 by Mandy Dörre is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Follow "lernen : next level" on Spotify! too! We look forward to subscribers, views and feedback!

Episode overview

#0 - TEASER - lernen : next level

duration: 01:13min

#1: Game-based learning and its significance for modern teaching

duration:  14:30min

#2: Myths and prejudices

duration:  19:14min

#3: Advantages and potential

duration:  23:11min

#4: Serious Games - Special Guest: Playing History

duration:  28:12min

#5: Serious Games - Special Guest: Paintbucket Games

duration:  25:04min

#6 - Implementation for the classroom - Special Guest: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Möring - lernen : next level

duration:  21:58min

#7: Integration in the classroom - preparation, integration and organizational forms

duration:  18:21min

#8: Gamification - Use in the classroom

duration:  23:59min

#9: Assessment options

duration:  23:35min

#10: Use of game-based learning in art lessons - as a guest: Sebastian Möring

duration:  21:48min

#11: Use of game-based learning in sport education

duration:  25:32min

#12: Use of game-based learning in music education

duration:  23:18min

#13: game-based learning - a new year

duration:  10:41min

#13: game-based learning - an outlook

The thirteenth episode will follow on 03.02.2025

#14: A look into the future of game-based learning

duration:  10:41min

The podcast is part of the project network "Digitalisierungsbezogene und digital gestützte Professionalisierung von Sport-, Musik- und Kunstlehrkräften (DigiProSMK)". The project network is part of the competence network lernen:digital, which is funded by the European Union - NextGeneration EU - and supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.