Economic growth
Growth empirics
- Convergence hypothesis
- The labor productivity in West and East Germany
- Growth regressions & growth accounting
- The effects of monetary unions/trade unions/free trade areas on economic growth
Financial markets and economic growth
- The effects of credit constraints on the innovation activity of small and large firms
- Trade finance, credit constraints and economic growth
Innovation, Resources and Economics growth
- (Long-term) economic growth and the German “Energiewende“
- The effects of robots on economic growth and welfare
Monetary theory and policy
Empirical observations on monetary policy
- The role of seignorage gains in (USA, Germany, China, EU, OECD, World)
- A Taylor rule for the European Monetary Union
- Income and Interest rate elasticity of money demand in (USA, Germany, China, EU, OECD, World)
- The determinants of the output gap in (USA, Germany, China, EU, OECD, World)
- Money illusion, non-neutrality and economic growth/ business cycle
Recent monetary policy
- The effects of unconventional monetary policy on financial and price stability
- Distributional effects of monetary policy
- The risk-taking channel and monetary policy
- The natural rate hypothesis
Business Cycle and international macroeconomics
Business cycle facts in Europe and the World
- Did the Euro change the business cycles in Eastern European Economies?
- Can Remittances stabilize international business cycle fluctuations?
- Stabilization of business cycles in the European Monetary Union through monetary of fiscal policy
Cyclical fluctuations of wages and unemployment
- What explains the time-varying cyclical fluctuation of real wages in Europe
- Evidence for a Wage Phillips Curve in Europe
Causes and Consequences of resource price fluctuations
- Innovation, Demand or Strategic Supply?: What explains the oil price decrease between 2014-15
- Oil price asymmetries: Does a decreasing oil price really lead to higher output/welfare?
Causes and Consequences of current account divergence and convergence in Europe and the World
Examples of submitted theses
- A RBC model with intensive and extensive margin to explain the labor market fluctuations before and after the German Reunification (2015)
- The role of financial market frictions on Schumpeterian economic growth (2015)
- Patterns of income inequality in developed economics (2014)
- Rational asset price bubbles in an OLG model - The influence of monetary policy (2014)
- The economic benefits of EU accession for the CEEC (2014)