Stella Krüger
PhD Candidate
Lab Coordinator
Campus Golm
Building 29, Room 2.07
Linguistics Department
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24-25
14476 Potsdam
consulting hours
by appointment
About Me
Exploring language development in children is a fascinating task that encompasses so many levels of linguistic (and psychological) research. Working with children at LOLA has provided me with the opportunity to gain an understanding of how articulation develops within the process of maturation of the speech production system. It also gives me insight into cognitive maturation in general: children have a distinct way of perceiving and comprehending their environment and it is exciting to watch them change with age. This is exactly what makes working with children so much fun for me.
Research Projects
Master thesis: Formant Space Organization and Variability in German: A developmental Perspective
PhD project: Developmental differences in the processing of anticipatory cues in the speech of German adults and children
Technical Experience
Ultrasound imaging
Eye-movement tracking
Praat (phonetic labelling, formant frequency analyses with Praat)
Matlab (data processing and analyses)
Statistics with R
OpenSesame (perception experiments)
Administering and scoring various developmental assessments of language-related abilities
Recent Publications
Krüger, S. & Noiray, A. (2021). Developmental differences in perceptual anticipation underlie different sensitivities to coarticulatory dynamics. Journal of Child Language, 1-20.
Krüger, S. & Noiray, A (2020). Are developmental differences in vocalic lingual anticipation perceivable? Insights from German child and adult listeners. International Seminar on Speech Production, Providence.
Noiray, A., Popescu, A., Killmer, H., Rubertus, E., Krüger, S., & Hintermeier, L. (2019). Spoken language acquisition and the challenge of skill interaction. Frontiers in Psychology, section Language Sciences.
Krüger, S. & Noiray, A (2019). How much in advance can listeners perceive upcoming speech targets? Insights from children and adults. Conference Phonetics and Phonology in Europe. Poster.
Popescu, A., Hintermeier, L., Krüger, S. & Noiray, A (2019). Does the acquisition of reading affect speech production? Conference Phonetics and Phonology in Europe. Poster.
Noiray, A., Abakarova, D., Rubertus, E., Krüger, S., & Tiede, M. (2018). How do children organize their speech in the first year of life? Insights from ultrasound imaging. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 144(2), 897-907.
Krüger, S., Noiray, A, & Ries, J. (2017). Variability in lingual control for vowel production in German preschoolers and schoolchildren. Speech Motor Control, Groningen, July 7th.
Krüger, S., Noiray, A, & Ries, J. (2017). The development of vowel space in German speaking children. DYNAMICS, Munich, May 3rd.
Krüger, S., Noiray, A, & Ries, J. (2017). Variability in lingual control for vowel production in German preschoolers and schoolchildren. Speech Motor Control, Groningen, July 7th.
2018. Formant Space Organization and Variability in German: A developmental Perspective. Master thesis, General Linguistics, University of Potsdam.