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Available methods


CD spectrometer in the lab
Photo: Thomas Roese
Applied Photophysics Chirascan

CD spectroscopy

Structure determination of chiral (bio)molecules and investigation of their interactions with other molecules


CD spectrometer in the lab
Photo: Thomas Roese
Applied Photophysics Chirascan
Gerät für Elektronspinresonanzmessungen
Photo: Beatrice Battistella
Bruker Magnettech ESR5000

EPR spectroscopy

Electron spin resonance measurements of paramagnetic substances


Gerät für Elektronspinresonanzmessungen
Photo: Beatrice Battistella
Bruker Magnettech ESR5000
Fluorimeter FluoroMax im Labor
Photo: Thomas Roese
Horiba Scientific FluoroMax 2

Fluorescence spectroscopy

Fluorimetric measurements


Fluorimeter FluoroMax im Labor
Photo: Thomas Roese
Horiba Scientific FluoroMax 2
Anlage zur Bestimmung der Fluoreszenquantenausbeute
Photo: Thomas Roese
Hamamatsu PL C9920-2

Fluorescence quantum yield

Determination of the quantum yield in the range 300-950 nm


Anlage zur Bestimmung der Fluoreszenquantenausbeute
Photo: Thomas Roese
Hamamatsu PL C9920-2
Three UV/VIS spectrometers
Photo: Thomas Roese
Agilent Varian Cary 100 Bio UV/VIS spectrophotometer (top), Perkin Elmer Lambda 750 and 950 (bottom left and right, respectively)

UV/VIS spectroscopy

Measurement of absorption in the 190–900 nm range (liquid and solid samples), temperature-dependent measurements with 6 cell changer



Three UV/VIS spectrometers
Photo: Thomas Roese
Agilent Varian Cary 100 Bio UV/VIS spectrophotometer (top), Perkin Elmer Lambda 750 and 950 (bottom left and right, respectively)


Metrohm DropSens μStat 400 Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat
Photo: Thomas Roese
Metrohm DropSens μStat 400 bipotentiostat/galvanostat

Cyclic voltammetry

Determination of redox potentials (with chip electrodes)


Metrohm DropSens μStat 400 Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat
Photo: Thomas Roese
Metrohm DropSens μStat 400 bipotentiostat/galvanostat
Potentiometrie-Aufbau im Labor
Photo: Thomas Roese
Metrohm 888 Titrando


Potentiometric pH titrations


Potentiometrie-Aufbau im Labor
Photo: Thomas Roese
Metrohm 888 Titrando
Setup for spectroelectrochemical measurements
Photo: Thomas Roese
Photometer setup (UV/VIS deuterium/halogen source and NIR coupled with Avantes SensLine detector) and Metrohm potentiostat Autolab PGSTAT101 and/or Autolab PGSTAT302N


Simultaneous determination of reduction/oxidation potentials and absorption in the UV/VIS/NIR range

Setup for spectroelectrochemical measurements
Photo: Thomas Roese
Photometer setup (UV/VIS deuterium/halogen source and NIR coupled with Avantes SensLine detector) and Metrohm potentiostat Autolab PGSTAT101 and/or Autolab PGSTAT302N

Element analysis

AAS-Gerät im Labor
Photo: Susanne Lubahn
Perkin Elmer AAnalyst800


Atomic absorption via flame, graphite furnace and hydride generation technique for the analysis of metals and metalloids


AAS-Gerät im Labor
Photo: Susanne Lubahn
Perkin Elmer AAnalyst800
ICP-MS-Gerät im Labor
Photo: Susanne Lubahn
Thermo Fisher Element 2


Determination of elements with a double-focusing high-resolution mass spectrometer (except halogens, noble gases, C, N, H, O)


ICP-MS-Gerät im Labor
Photo: Susanne Lubahn
Thermo Fisher Element 2
ICP-OES-Gerät im Labor
Photo: Susanne Lubahn
Perkin Elmer Optima 5300DV


Determination of elements via atomic and ionic emission (except halogens, noble gases, C, N, H, O)


ICP-OES-Gerät im Labor
Photo: Susanne Lubahn
Perkin Elmer Optima 5300DV
Aufschlussmikrowelle im Labor
Photo: Susanne Lubahn
MLS Ethos 1

Microwave for digestion reactions

acidic and basic digestions of solid substances


Aufschlussmikrowelle im Labor
Photo: Susanne Lubahn
MLS Ethos 1
Säuredestillationsanlage im Labor
Photo: Susanne Lubahn
Savillex DST1000

Acid distillation

Purification of acids using subboiling distillation

Säuredestillationsanlage im Labor
Photo: Susanne Lubahn
Savillex DST1000


Elektrophorese-Kammern für Agarose-Gele in einem Abzug
Photo: Thomas Roese
Roth Rotiphorese PROfessional I, not in the picture: Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell

Gel electrophoresis

Separation and analysis of protein (fragments) (vertical, PAGE) and DNA (horizontal, agarose)


Elektrophorese-Kammern für Agarose-Gele in einem Abzug
Photo: Thomas Roese
Roth Rotiphorese PROfessional I, not in the picture: Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell
Photo: Thomas Roese
Bio-Rad Gel Doc EZ Imager

Gel scanner

Visualization und quantification of gel electrophoresis experiments with different trays depending on gel staining method

  • UV Sample Tray (for irradiation with UV light)
  • Stain-free Sample Tray (for stain-free gels)
  • White Sample Tray (Coomassie Blue, Copper, Silver, Zinc staining)
Photo: Thomas Roese
Bio-Rad Gel Doc EZ Imager
Photo: Julian Heinrich
Büchi Lyovapor L-200


Purification (semi-preparative, max. 50 mg) of organic compounds, especially peptides, purity determination (analytical)


Photo: Julian Heinrich
Büchi Lyovapor L-200
Incubator, mini centrifuge, vortexer
Photo: Thomas Roese
Eppendorf ThermoMixer C, mini centrifuge, vortexer

Incubation and mixing

Incubation of solution in Eppendorf tubes (0.5 and 1.5 mL) in a temperature range 1–100 °C at max. 3000 rpm, centrifugation and vortexing


Incubator, mini centrifuge, vortexer
Photo: Thomas Roese
Eppendorf ThermoMixer C, mini centrifuge, vortexer
Lyophilisator mit Pumpe
Photo: Julian Heinrich
Büchi Lyovapor L-200


Lyophilization (freeze drying) of aqueous samples


Lyophilisator mit Pumpe
Photo: Julian Heinrich
Büchi Lyovapor L-200
Hood with vacuum/inert gas line, pump, magnetic stirrer and shaker with syringes and reagents for solid phase peptide synthesis
Photo: Thomas Roese
Setup for synthetic chemistry under inert gas atmosphere (top), materials and reagents for manual solid phase peptide synthesis (bottom)


  • Organic synthesis and coordination chemistry, partially under inert gas atmosphere
  • Solid phase peptide synthesis and bioconjugate chemistry
Hood with vacuum/inert gas line, pump, magnetic stirrer and shaker with syringes and reagents for solid phase peptide synthesis
Photo: Thomas Roese
Setup for synthetic chemistry under inert gas atmosphere (top), materials and reagents for manual solid phase peptide synthesis (bottom)


Centrifugation of  Falcon tubes (15 and 50 mL) and Eppendorf tubes (1,5 and 2 mL) in a temperature range of -9 to 40 °C at max. 4400 rpm