PD Dr. Christiane Scheffler
Research interests
At the University of Potsdam, my human biology research is centered around ecological topics. I investigate the effect of changing environmental factors on the physical development and performance, as well as the anthropologic basis to form the environment according the metric and physiological needs of humans. My main research topics are:
- Classification of stunting, over- and underweight
- Growth and development of children and adolescents
- Influense of ecological and social factors on phenotypic characteristics of body measurements
- Applied ergonomy
- Factors influencing menarchal age in current and historical populations
- Social influences on body height

Universität Potsdam / Tierökologie
Maulbeeralle 2a
Raum 2.08
14469 Potsdam
consulting hours
Montag, 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr
und nach Vereinbarung
Academic career
- 2017 Habilitation
- since 2008 part of the animal ecology group, specialising in human biology, at the institute for biochemistry and biology at the university of
Potsdam - since 1994 scientist in the human biology working group (department head: Frau Prof. Dr. Holle Greil) at the institute for biochemistry and
biology at the university of Potsdam - 1990 Dissertation (Dr. rer.nat.) - Embryonalentwicklung der Hausgans (Anser anser domestica)
- 1987 - 1990 PhD studies at the department of zoology, Potsdam
- 1982 - 1987 teacher training for biology and chemistry, Potsdam
for specific courses see teaching
- Functional human anatomyFunktionelle Anatomie des Menschen
- phylogenetic and individual development of humans
- human ecology
- Anthropometry
New journal: Human Biology and Public Health
Publications: Dr. Christiane Scheffler
- 2020-2022 EAA Board - Vice-President
- 2018-2020 Mitglied EAA Board - Advisory Council
- Gesellschaft für Anthropologie
1. board member for nearly 20 years
2. speaker of the working group prevention and anthropology - Auxological Society
1. secretary of the society - European Association of Anthropology (EAA): member of the Advisory Coucil
- Society for the Studies of Human Biology (SSHB)
- since 2007 expert for anthropometry at the standardization committee for anthropometry and biomechanics at the german institute for standardization
- scientific member in the portal for prevention www.kindergesundheit24.de
- Institute for evolutionary medicine form the university of Zurich http://www.iem.uzh.ch/en.html
- Biological anthropometry from the university hospital Freiburg https://www.uniklinik-freiburg.de/anthropologie/team.html
- Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel - Michael Hermanussen - Pediatrician and anthropologist http://www.michael-hermanussen.de/
Reviewer activities
- Annals of Human Biology
- Anthropologiescher Anzeiger
- Acta Paediatrica
- BMC Pediatrics
- Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging
- Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology
- Public Health Nutrition
- American Journal of Human Biology
- Anatomical Science International
- Collegium Anthropologicum
- European Journal of Pediatrics
- International Journal of Pediatrics
- Journal of Family Medicine and Community Health
- The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging
- Journal of Physiological Anthropology
- Public Health and Nutrition
- Scientific Report