Lea Vodjerek
Research Interest
I am an ecologist with broad interests in all aspects of animal behavior and cognition. In particular, I am curious about the female mate choice and what traits make a male more desirable, and also social learning and social dynamics, as well as problem solving in both social and non-social species.
My current doctoral research, titled "Pregnancy replacement in mammals – all costs or hidden benefits for females?" centers on unraveling the complexities of female mate choice. Through experiments with bank voles, I explore the adaptive and mechanistic aspects of pregnancy replacement, more specifically how females make crucial decisions in selecting mates. The study involves manipulating male quality, examining male-relatedness to females, and investigating male infanticidal tendencies and personality matching.
This research aims to provide valuable insights into female decision-making processes, shedding light on the influence of male behavior and traits.

University of Potsdam / Animal Ecology
Maulbeerallee 1
Room 1.13a
14469 Potsdam
Academic Career
Since 2022 PhD candidate Animal Ecology, Institute for Biochemistry and Biology, Univesity of Potsdam
2020 Erasmus+ intern at Cognitive Biology Department, University of Vienna
2019 Erasmus+ intern at Konrad Lorenz Institute for Ethology, VetMedUni Vienna
2018 – 2021 Master’s degree (MSc.) in Experimental Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
2015 – 2018 Bachelor’s degree (BSc.) in Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
Pregnancy replacement in small mammals
Vodjerek L, Erixon F, Mendes Ferreira C, Fickel J, Eccard JA (2024) The role of male quality in sequential mate choice: pregnancy replacement in small mammals? Royal Society Open Science 11:240189. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.240189