Publication list:
Reifarth M., Sperling M., Grobe R., Akarsu P., Schmette M., Tank S., Arndt K.M., Chiantia S., Hartlieb M., Böker A. Regioselective and Anisotropic Multi-Patching of Small Microparticles via a Polymer Brush-Assisted Microcontact Printing (µCP). In press, Advanced Functional Materials
Bapolisi A., Lehnen A.C., Wolff M., Kramer J., Kogikoski S., Steinbrecher R., Michler M., Kiesow A., Bald I., Stensitzki T., Müller-Werkmeister H., Leiske M., Chiantia S., Hartlieb M. Non-Amphiphilic Antimicrobial Polymers. Submitted
Tempra C., Chamorro V.C., Mandal T., Chiantia S., Vogele M., Fábián B., Javanainen M. Challenges in the Accurate Modelling of Lipid Dynamics in Monolayers and Bilayers. BiorXiv. 2024.09.12.612735; doi:
Tietjen I., Kwan D.C., Petrich A., Zell R., Antoniadou I.T., Gavriilidou A., Tzitzoglaki C., Rallis M., Fedida D., Sureda F.X., Mestdagh C., Naesens L., Chiantia S., Johnson F.B., Kolocouris A. Antiviral Mechanisms and Preclinical Evaluation of Amantadine Analogs that Continue to Inhibit Influenza A Viruses with M2S31N-Based Drug Resistance. BiorXiv. 2024.09.09.612141; doi: (accepted in Antiviral Research)
Mandal T., Brandt N., Tempra C., Javanainen M., Fábián B., Chiantia S. A comparison of lipid diffusive dynamics in monolayers and bilayers in the context of interleaflet coupling. BiorXiv. 2024.04.26.589162; doi: (accepted in BBA:Biomembranes)
Lehnen AC, Kogikoski S, Stensitzki T, AlSawaf A, Bapolisi AM, Wolff M, De Breuck J, Müller‐Werkmeister HM, Chiantia S, Bald I, Leiske MN, Hartlieb M. Anisotropy in Antimicrobial Bottle Brush Copolymers and Its Influence on Biological Activity. Advanced Functional Materials 34 (10), 2312651
Petrich A, Chiantia S. Influenza A virus infection alters lipid packing and surface electrostatics potential of the host plasma membrane. Viruses . 2023 Aug 29;15(9):1830. doi: 10.3390/v15091830.
Petrich A, Koikkara Aji A, Dunsing V, Chiantia S. Benchmarking of novel green fluorescent proteins for the quantification of protein oligomerization in living cells. Plos One. 2023. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0285486
Moreno-Pescador G, Arastoo MR, Chiantia S, Daniels R, Bendix PM. Thermoplasmonic induced vesicle fusion for investigating membrane protein phase affinity. Nano Lett. doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c00371
Kremling V, Loll B, Pach S, Dahmani I, Weise C, Wolber G, Chiantia S, Wahl M, Osterrieder N, Azab W. Crystal structures of glycoprotein D of equine alphaherpesviruses reveal potential binding sites to the entry receptor MHC-I. bioRxiv 2022.06.10.495596. Frontiers in Microbiology, in press.
Menke L, Sperber HS, Koikkarah Aji A, Chiantia S, Schwarzer R, Sieben C. Advances in fluorescence microscopy for orthohantavirus research. Microscopy (Oxf). 2023 Jan 13:dfac075. doi:
Stephan M, Dunsing V, Pramanik S, Chiantia S, Barbirz S, Robinson T, Dimova R. Biomimetic asymmetric bacterial membranes incorporating lipopolysaccharides. Biophys J. 2022. S0006-3495(22)03927-3. doi:
Iriarte-Alonso M., Bittner A., Chiantia S. Influenza A virus hemagglutinin prevents extensive membrane damage upon dehydration. BBA Advances. 2022. 100048.
Welke, R.; Sperber, H.S.; Koikkarah, A.; Menke, L.; Sieben, C.; Krüger, D.H.; Chiantia, S.; Herrmann, A.; Schwarzer, R. Characterization of Hantavirus N Protein Intracellular Dynamics and Localization. Viruses, 2022. 14(3):457.
Ziegler, M.J., Yserentant, K., Dunsing, V., Middel V., Gralak A.J., Pakari K., Bargstedt J., Kern C., Petrich A., Chiantia S., Strähle U., Herten D.-P.& Wombacher R. Mandipropamid as a chemical inducer of proximity for in vivo applications. Nat Chem Biol 2021,
Petrich A, Dunsing V, Bobone S, Chiantia S.Influenza A M2 recruits M1 to the plasma membrane: a fluorescence fluctuation microscopy study. Biophysical Journal, 2021 Nov 19;
Dunsing V, Petrich A, Chiantia S. Multi-color fluorescence spectroscopy in living cells via spectral detection. Elife. 2021.10:e69687.
Irmscher T, Roske Y, Gayk I, Dunsing V, Chiantia S, Heinemann U, Barbirz S. Pantoea stewartii WceF is a glycan biofilm modifying enzyme with a bacteriophage tailspike-like fold. J Biol Chem. 2021 Jan 12:100286.
Petazzi RA, Aji Koikkarah, A, Tischler ND, Chiantia S. Detection of Envelope Glycoprotein Assembly from Old-World Hantaviruses in the Golgi Apparatus of Living Cells. J Virol. 2020 Nov 25:JVI.01238-20.
Kolyvushko O, Latzke J, Dahmani I, Osterrieder N, Chiantia S, Azab W. Differentially-Charged Phospholipids Interact with Alphaherpesviruses and Interfere with Virus Entry. Pathogens.2020. 9, 359.
Tzoneva R, Stoyanova T, Petrich A, Popova D, Momchilova A, Chiantia S. Effect of Erufosine on Membrane Lipid Order in Breast Cancer Cell Models. Biomolecules.2020. 10: 802.
Petazzi RA, Aji Koikkarah, A, Chiantia S.Fluorescence microscopy methods for the study of protein oligomerization. In Oligomerization in Health and Disease: From Enzymes to G Protein-Coupled Receptors. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 2020;169:1-41.
Dunsing V, Irmscher T, Barbirz S, Chiantia S.A purely polysaccharide-based biofilm matrix provides size-selective diffusion barriers for nanoparticles and bacteriophages. Biomacromolecules. 2019. 20:3842-3854.
Dahmani I, Ludwig K, Chiantia S.Influenza A matrix protein M1 induces lipid membrane deformation via protein multimerization. Biosci Rep. 2019 Aug 5;39(8). pii: BSR20191024.
Sperber HS, Welke R, Petazzi R, Bergmann R, Schade M, Shai Y, Chiantia S, Herrmann A, Schwarzer R. Self-association and subcellular localization of Puumala hantavirus envelope proteins.Sci Rep. 2019 Jan 24;9(1):707.
Höfer CT, Di Lella S, Dahmani I, Jungnick N, Bordag N, Bobone S, Huang Q, Keller S, Herrmann A, Chiantia S.Structural determinants of the interactions between Influenza A Virus Matrix protein M1 and lipid membranes. BBA - Biomembranes, 2019 Jun 1;1861(6):1123-1134.
Dunsing V, Chiantia S.A Fluorescence Fluctuation Spectroscopy Assay of Protein-Protein Interactions at Cell-Cell Contacts. J. Vis. Exp., 2018.
Dunsing V, Luckner M, Zühlke B, Petazzi R, Herrmann A, Chiantia S. Optimal fluorescent protein tags for quantifying protein oligomerization in living cells. Sci Rep. 2018 Jul 13;8(1):10634.
Dunsing V, Mayer M, Liebsch F, Multhaup G, Chiantia S. Direct evidence of APLP1 trans interactions in cell-cell adhesion platforms investigated via fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy. MBoC 2017 Dec 1;28(25):3609-3620.
Whiteley L, Haug M, Klein K, Willmann M, Bohn E, ChiantiaS, Schwarz S. Cholesterol and host cell surface proteins contribute to cell-cell fusion induced by the Burkholderia type VI secretion system 5. PLoS One. 2017. 12(10): e0185715.
Bobone S, Hilsch M, Storm J, Dunsing V, Herrmann A, Chiantia S. Phosphatidylserine lateral organization influences the interaction of Influenza A matrix protein 1 with lipid membranes. JVI. 2017. 91(12):e00267-17.
Schweighöfer F, Moreno J, Bobone S, Chiantia S, Herrmann A, Hecht S, Wachtveitl J. Connectivity pattern modifies excited states relaxation dynamics of fluorophore-photoswitch molecular dyads. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2016. 19(5):4010-4018.
Denz M, Chiantia S, Herrmann A, Mueller P, Schwarzer R. Cell cycle dependent changes in the plasma membrane organization of mammalian cells. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2016. 1859(3):350-359.
Mayer MC, Schauenburg L, Thompson-Steckel G, Dunsing V, Kaden D, Voigt P, Schaefer M, Chiantia S, Kennedy TE, Multhaup G. Amyloid precursor-like protein 1 (APLP1) exhibits stronger zinc-dependent neuronal adhesion than amyloid precursor protein and APLP2. J Neurochem. 2016 Apr;137(2):266-76.
Petazzi RA, Gramatica A, Herrmann A, ChiantiaS.Time-controlled phagocytosis of asymmetric liposomes: Application to phosphatidylserine immunoliposomes binding HIV-1 virus-like particles. Nanomedicine. 2015. 11(8):1985-92.
Hilsch M, Goldenbogen B, Sieben C, Höfer CT, Rabe JP, Klipp E, Herrmann A, ChiantiaS. Influenza A matrix protein M1 multimerizes upon binding to lipid membranes. Biophys J. 2014.107(4):912-23.
Visco I, ChiantiaS, Schwille P. Asymmetric supported lipid bilayer formation via methyl-β-cyclodextrin mediated lipid exchange: influence of asymmetry on lipid dynamics and phase behavior. Langmuir. 2014. 30(25):7475-84.
Li S, Sieben C, Ludwig K, Höfer CT, ChiantiaS, Herrmann A, Eghiaian F, Schaap IA. pH-Controlled two-step uncoating of influenza virus. Biophys J. 2014. 106(7):1447-56.
Toledo A, Crowley JT, Coleman JL, LaRocca TJ, Chiantia S, London E, Benach JL. Selective association of outer surface lipoproteins with the lipid rafts of Borrelia burgdorferi. MBio. 2014. 5(2):e00899-14.
Gramatica A, Petazzi RA, Lehmann MJ, Ziomkowska J, Herrmann A, ChiantiaS. αEnv-decorated phosphatidylserine liposomes trigger phagocytosis of HIV-virus-like particles in macrophages. Nanomedicine. 2014.10(5):981-9.
LaRocca TJ, Pathak P, Chiantia S, Toledo A, Silvius JR, Benach JL, London E. Proving lipid rafts exist: membrane domains in the prokaryote Borrelia burgdorferi have the same properties as eukaryotic lipid rafts. PLoS Pathog. 2013;9(5):e1003353.
ChiantiaS, London E. Sphingolipids and membrane domains: recent advances. Handb Exp Pharmacol. 2013;(215):33-55.
ChiantiaS, London E. Acyl chain length and saturation modulate interleaflet coupling in asymmetric bilayers: effects on dynamics and structural order. Biophys J. 2012. 5;103(11):2311-9.
ChiantiaS, Klymchenko AS, London E. A novel leaflet-selective fluorescence labeling technique reveals differences between inner and outer leaflets at high bilayer curvature. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2012 May;1818(5):1284-90.
Yurlova L, Kahya N, Aggarwal S, Kaiser HJ, ChiantiaS, Bakhti M, Pewzner-Jung Y, Ben-David O, Futerman AH, Brügger B, Simons M. Self-segregation of myelin membrane lipids in model membranes. Biophys J. 2011. 101(11):2713-20.
McCann JJ, Zheng L, ChiantiaS, Bowen ME. Domain orientation in the N-Terminal PDZ tandem from PSD-95 is maintained in the full-length protein. Structure. 2011. 19(6):810-20.
Franquelim HG, ChiantiaS, Veiga AS, Santos NC, Schwille P, Castanho MA. Anti-HIV-1 antibodies 2F5 and 4E10 interact differently with lipids to bind their epitopes. AIDS. 2011. 25(4):419-28.
ChiantiaS, Schwille P, Klymchenko AS, London E. Asymmetric GUVs prepared by MβCD-mediated lipid exchange: an FCS study. Biophys J. 2011. 100(1):L1-3.
Nelson LD, ChiantiaS, London E. Perfringolysin O association with ordered lipid domains: implications for transmembrane protein raft affinity. Biophys J. 2010. 99(10):3255-63.
Plochberger B, Stockner T, ChiantiaS, Brameshuber M, Weghuber J, Hermetter A, Schwille P, Schütz GJ. Cholesterol slows down the lateral mobility of an oxidized phospholipid in a supported lipid bilayer. Langmuir. 2010. 26(22):17322-9.
Stirnnagel K, Lüftenegger D, Stange A, Swiersy A, Müllers E, Reh J, Stanke N, Grosse A, ChiantiaS, Keller H, Schwille P, Hanenberg H, Zentgraf H, Lindemann D. Analysis of prototype foamy virus particle-host cell interaction with autofluorescent retroviral particles. Retrovirology. 2010. 7:45.
Dasgupta U, Bamba T, ChiantiaS, Karim P, Tayoun AN, Yonamine I, Rawat SS, Rao RP, Nagashima K, Fukusaki E, Puri V, Dolph PJ, Schwille P, Acharya JK, Acharya U. Ceramide kinase regulates phospholipase C and phosphatidylinositol 4, 5, bisphosphate in phototransduction. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009. 106(47):20063-8.
Ries J, ChiantiaS, Schwille P. Accurate determination of membrane dynamics with line-scan FCS. Biophys J. 2009. 96(5):1999-2008.
ChiantiaS, Ries J, Schwille P. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in membrane structure elucidation. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2009. 1788(1):225-33.
Renner L, Osaki T, ChiantiaS, Schwille P, Pompe T, Werner C. Supported lipid bilayers on spacious and pH-responsive polymer cushions with varied hydrophilicity. J Phys Chem B. 2008 May 22;112(20):6373-8.
ChiantiaS, Ries J, Chwastek G, Carrer D, Li Z, Bittman R, Schwille P. Role of ceramide in membrane protein organization investigated by combined AFM and FCS. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2008. 1778(5):1356-64.
Trajkovic K, Hsu C, Chiantia S, Rajendran L, Wenzel D, Wieland F, Schwille P, Brügger B, Simons M. Ceramide triggers budding of exosome vesicles into multivesicular endosomes. Science. 2008. 319(5867):1244-7.
García-Sáez AJ, ChiantiaS, Schwille P. Effect of line tension on the lateral organization of lipid membranes. J Biol Chem. 2007. 282(46):33537-44.
ChiantiaS, Kahya N, Schwille P. Raft domain reorganization driven by short- and long-chain ceramide: a combined AFM and FCS study. Langmuir. 2007 Jul 3;23(14):7659-65.
García-Sáez AJ, ChiantiaS, Salgado J, Schwille P. Pore formation by a Bax-derived peptide: effect on the line tension of the membrane probed by AFM. Biophys J. 2007. 93(1):103-12.
ChiantiaS, Ries J, Kahya N, Schwille P. Combined AFM and two-focus SFCS study of raft-exhibiting model membranes. Chemphyschem. 2006. 7(11):2409-18.
Chiantia S, Kahya N, Ries J, Schwille P. Effects of ceramide on liquid-ordered domains investigated by simultaneous AFM and FCS. Biophys J. 2006. 90(12):4500-8.
Chiantia S, Kahya N, Schwille P. Dehydration damage of domain-exhibiting supported bilayers: an AFM study on the protective effects of disaccharides and other stabilizing substances. Langmuir. 2005. 21(14):6317-23.
ChiantiaS, Giannola LI, Cordone L. Lipid phase transition in saccharide-coated cholate-containing liposomes: coupling to the surrounding matrix. Langmuir. 2005. 21(9):4108-16.