Levin Wiedenroth
Research interests
My research interests lie in how our fast-changing world affects species and how this knowledge can be used to stop the ongoing species decline and biodiversity loss through applied nature conservation. So far I have focused on the effects of climate change on a species´ niche and am currently looking into the effects of climate and land-cover on a species´ distribution.
Currently I am working on the EU project: BirdWatch. The project aims to contribute to stopping the decline of farmland bird populations in Europe. My role in the project is to identify suitable habitats for 10 farmland bird species over four study regions, i.e., Germany, Flanders (Belgium), South Tyrol (Italy), and Lithuania. For this I am using a nested species distribution model approach which makes it possible to include drivers at the scale they act on. Climate is expected to drive a species distribution at large scales, whereas regional distributions are driven by land-cover.

Levin Wiedenroth
Campus Maulbeerallee
University of Potsdam
Maulbeerallee 3, Building 3, Room 1.13
14469 Potsdam
Academic career
since 2023: Scientific researcher in Ecology/Macroecology group, University Potsdam
2020 - 2023: MSc in Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation, University Greifswald
2015 - 2019: BSc in Biology, Freie University Berlin