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Audiomonitoring at Sanssouci Park

Zu sehen ist eine Nachtigall und eine Grafik die zeigt, dass die Nachtigallen am häufigsten Anfang Mai singen bzw. detektiert wurden.
Photo: Dariusz Grosa
First results on the spring activity of the nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos). More infos at


Click here to get exciting insights into the world of birds in Sanssouci Park

Here we have compiled some of the results of our acoustic monitoring from 2022 to 2024.

Zu sehen ist eine Nachtigall und eine Grafik die zeigt, dass die Nachtigallen am häufigsten Anfang Mai singen bzw. detektiert wurden.
Photo: Dariusz Grosa
First results on the spring activity of the nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos). More infos at

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Automated bioacoustic monitoring of birds, bats and insects

Biodiversity - the variety of genes, species and ecosystems - is in crisis. Monitoring is key to better understand which biodiversity facets are particularly vulnerable to ongoing global change or how they benefit from conservation and restoration measures. How can we improve or even automate monitoring systems? An example with great potential are audio detectors that record biological sounds, which can then be compared with known sounds on the computer for species identification (with the help of artificial intelligence).

In our pilot project, we are testing the benefits and quality of automatic monitoring systems for recording different groups of species (birds, bats, insects). Also, we use the systems to answer scientific questions related to spatial and temporal dynamics of biodiversity, and the influence of various environmental conditions and disturbances. 

Project team: 

Current/Planned pilot studies

  • Spatial distribution of species and communities along habitat gradients (e.g. open land to forest, grassland to cropland) 
  • Temporal changes in the annual cycle of species (e.g. timing of spring and autumn migration in migratory birds, start of breeding, activity peaks in insects) 
  • Changes in species compositions over time (e.g. after habitat changes/improvements) 
  • Comparison of different facets of biodiversity: species diversity vs. sound diversity

Further links:

  • Related project: COMECO - Combining machine learning, ecological modelling and plant morphological characteristics to develop a tool for identifying plants of Switzerland

Pilot study locations

Data Storage Information