Emma Underwood
Research interests
HiWi: I am supporting Levin Wiedenroth, and the wider Macroecology lab on the BirdWatch project whose aim is to contribute to the monitoring of spatial heterogeneity of farmland to encourage restoration of farmland bird abundance across Europe.
Doctoral research: I am developing my skills as a spatial ecologist. I am interested in using process-based approaches to model future range shifts of endemic, vulnerable plant species in response to climatic, land use and land cover changes in Madagascar.
(2023–present): BirdWatch
(2020-2024): Modelling the role of multiple global change drivers on plant range shifts in a Biodiversity Hotspot (vorläufiger PhD Titel)
What does the future hold for Biodiversity Hotspots?
(2019–2020): Re wilding the City: Using Circuitscape as a Tool to Assess the Effectiveness of Urbanscape Conservation Mitigation Strategies (Masterarbeit)
Emma Underwood
Campus Maulbeerallee
Universität Potsdam
University of Potsdam
Maulbeerallee 3, Building 3, Room 0.15
14469 Potsdam
2022: Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Postgraduate Researcher Award with support from Albert Reckitt Award and Dudley Stamp Memorial Award
Academic career
(Sept 2023–present): HiWi Research Assistant (part-time), Ecology/Macroecology, University of Potsdam
(2020–2023): GIS Lecturer (external & part-time), Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Conservation of Forest Bidiversity (ConFoBi)
Professional career
(2017–2019): GIS Technical Instructor, University of the West of England (UWE), UK
(2013–2017): GIS Specialist, Ecotricity (Renewables/Environmental Consultancy), UK
(2013): GIS Technician, Local Government, UK
(2022–2023): Women+ in Geospatial Mentorship Programme (Mentor)
(2020–present): GIS Support and Deployment Volunteer, MapAction
(2019): GIS Specialist, Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust (Cotswold Canals Trust)
(2018, 2019): Assistant Warden, Skomer Island, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales