Dr. Jette Reeg
Research interests
I am an ecological modeler and programmer with a focus on individual-based, spatially-explicit mechanistic modeling. In particular, I am interested in the formation and composition of species communities resulting from inter- and intraspecific interactions at the individual and population level. I am particularly interested in the application of ecological models in risk assessment and impact assessment, but also as predictive tools.
As a modeler, programmer and technician of the working group, I am involved in all projects at least partially and take care of the technical support and maintenance of the models, but I also develop algorithms for the automated analysis of models and model data.

Dr. Jette Reeg
Campus Maulbeerallee
University of Potsdam
Maulbeerallee 3, Building 3, Room 0.13
14469 Potsdam
Academic career
since 2021: Ecological modeller and scientific programmer, Ecology/Macroecology, University of Potsdam
2019-2020: PostDoc in the Project 'Briding in Biodiversity Science', Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation, University of Potsdam
2013-2019: Researcher and PhD in Ecology, Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation, University of Potsdam
2010-2013: MSc Ecology, Evolution and Nature Conservation, University of Potsdam
2006-2010: BSc Biological sciences, University of Potsdam
Malchow, A.-K., Hartig, F., Reeg, J., Kéry, M. and Zurell, D. (2023). Demography–environment relationships improve mechanistic understanding of range dynamics under climate change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 378(1881).
Reeg J, Strigl L, Jeltsch F. (2022) Agricultural buffer zone thresholds to safeguard functional bee diversity: Insights from a community modeling approach. Ecology & Evolution 12(3): e8748. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8748
Reeg J, Heine S, Mihan C, McGee S, Preuss TG, Jeltsch F. (2020) Herbicide risk assessments of non-target terrestrial plant communities: A graphical user interface for the plant community model IBC-grass. PLoS ONE 15 (3): e0230012. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0230012
Jeltsch F, Grimm V, Reeg J, Schlägel UE. (2019) Give chance a chance: from coexistence to coviability in biodiversity theory. Ecosphere 10(5):e02700. 10.1002/ecs2.2700
Reeg J, Heine S, Mihan C, McGee S, Preuss TG, Jeltsch F. (2018) Simulation of herbicide impacts on a plant community: comparing model predictions of the plant community model IBC-grass to empirical data. Environmental Sciences Europe 30:44. DOI: 10.1186/s12302-018-0174-9.
Reeg J, Heine S, Mihan C, Preuss TG, McGee S, Jeltsch F. (2018) Potential impact of effects on reproductive attributes induced by herbicides on a plant community. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37(6): 1707-1722 DOI: 10.1002/etc.4122
Reeg J, Schad T, Preuss TG, Solga A, Körner K, Jeltsch F. (2017) Modelling direct and indirect effects of herbicides on non-target grasland communities. Ecological Modelling 348: 44-55. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.01.010
Jeltsch F, Bonte D, Pe’er G, Reineking B, Leimgruber P, Balkenhol N, Schröder B, Buchmann CM, Müller T, Blaum N, Zurell D, Böhning-Gaese K, Wiegand T, Eccard JA, Hofer H, Reeg J, EggersU, Bauer S. (2013) Integrating movement ecology with biodiversity research - exploring new avenues to address spatiotemporal biodiversity dynamics. Movement Ecology 1:6. DOI: 10.1186/2051-3933-1-6