Master- und Bachelor-Projekte
Im Kontext unserer laufenden Projekte bieten wir Themen für Master- und Bachelorarbeiten an, in denen wir mit Hilfe genomischer Methoden die Evolution von Arten, einschließlich ihrer demografischen und adaptiven Veränderungen, erforschen. Unser Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf Säugetieren und Amphibien.
Laufende und abgeschlossene Arbeiten
- Lara Dreide (laufend): Population and conservation genomics of otter shrews (Afrosoricida, Potamogalidae)
- Kristin Tiedemann (laufend): The genomic basis of mito-nuclear discordance in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)
- Luis Victoria Nogales (2022): Assessing the molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of the four-toed sengi (Petrodromus) using historical DNA
- Flora Uesseler (2021): Investigating gene flow in three Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) populations from the island of San Cristóbal
- Jose Ramirez Garcia (2021): Analysing the phylogenetic information in genome-wide transposon presence/absence patterns in Afrotherian mammals
- Wiebke Ponick (2020): Computational identification and analysis of NUMTs in published primate genomes
- Sebastian Wieser (2018): Phylogeny and population characteristics of the straight-tusked elephant at Neumark Nord
- Natalia Porazynska (laufend): Museomics and phylogenomics of tropical golden moles (Chrysochloridae, Kilimatalpa)
- Desiree Schuhmann (laufend): The effect of miniaturisation on limb anatomy in cophyline frogs (Anura: Microhylidae)
- Laura Mascialino (2024): Assessing the mitogenomic diversity of the Ruwenzori otter shrew (Micropotamogale ruwenzorii)
- Johanna Markeffsky (2024): Assessing the mitogenomic diversity in Bornean Elephants (Elephas maximus borneensis)
- Recep Durgut (2023): Computational identification and analysis of bitter taste receptor genes in elephant shrews
- Vanessa Norden (2023): Phylogenetic relationships within the African toad genus Werneria with focus on the taxonomic status of W. preussi and W. africanus
- Lena Werner (2023): First genetic evidence for infection of the Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) with a rickettsial endoparasite
- Clara Keusgen (2023): A new phylogeny of Anodonthyla frogs (Microhylidae: Cophylinae), with insights into the A. boulengerii species complex
- Marleen Streicher (2022): Evaluating ancestral mitogenome reconstructions across different software packages
- Robert Lüdecke (2022): Mitogenome reconstruction and phylogeny of the Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus)
- Sophia Schrepel (2022): Sequence-based species delimitation in sengis (Macroscelidea)
- Stefan Bauermeister (2020): Variation der Anzahl thorakolumbaler Wirbel innerhalb der Afrotheria – Bioinformatische Analyse von Kandidatengenen
- York Hesse (2020): Gene family evolution in afrotherian mammals
- Philipp Jakupovic (2020): Annotation & phylogenetic analysis of selected digestive enzymes of the newly assembled genome of the carnivorous plant R. gorgonias
- Marie Gurke (2019): Bioinformatic analysis of gene family evolution in stick insects
- Achim Klittich (2018): Tracing loss-of-function intolerant genes in the human genome across the tree of life
- Pia Renk (2018): Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of historical and modern samples from the rinkhals, a Southern African snake
- Daria Wilhelm (2018): Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial genomes from ancient cave and brown bears
- Lisa Trautmann (2017): Isolation and sequencing of DNA from museum specimens treated with polyethylene glycol
- Ferdinand Laubisch (2017): Comparative analysis of lysozyme c sequences in vertebrate genomes
- Anna Kwiatkowski (2017): Phylogenetic study on the Western European mammoth population
- Till Birkner (2017): Assemblierung und Vergleich von Genomen verschiedener Cyanobakterienstämme der Gattung Aphanizomenon
- Ariana Knechel (2016): Comparison of Next Generation Sequencing shotgun and capture approaches for DNA recovery from fossils originating from water-saturated environments
- Susanne Butschkau (2016): Next-Generation Sequencing of historical Mexican wolves
- Nikolas Basler (2016): Reducing the contaminant fraction of DNA obtained from an ancient bone sample
- Eva-Maria Priesterjahn (2016): Molecular approaches for investigating biodiversity processes in Epimeria amphipods
- Julia Plinke (2016): Attempt to use Bst 3.0 polymerase to increase the fragment length of ancient DNA templates by repairing single stranded nicks
- Natalia Chadala (2015): Dertermining the sex of bears based on unassembled Illumina shotgun sequence data