Stephanie Sumner, M.A. (née Jürries)
has taken on a position in the Dean's Office
Am Neuen Palais 10
consulting hours
I am currently writing my PhD thesis on the Sidekick and the Professional Middle Class in British Detective Fiction between 1880 and 1945, supervised by Prof Dr Dirk Wiemann (University of Potsdam) and Dr Anke Bartels (University of Potsdam).
In February 2014 I finished my master’s course on Anglophone Literature and Culture at the University of Potsdam, graduating with distinction. My master thesis focused on the representation and (re)production of ‘Britishness’ in London Museums. For my bachelor’s degree I studied ‚Kulturwirt’ (English and Economics) at the University of Duisburg-Essen which I completed in September 2010. My bachelor thesis discussed cross-dressing in Twelfth Night,As you like it, and The Merchant of Venice. I have spent two years abroad, living in both Hampshire and London.
My research and teaching interests include:
· Victorian Literature and Culture
· (National) Identity Formations
· Travel literature
· Gender Representation in Modern Media
· Detective Fiction
· Victorian and Modern Metropolis
· Postcolonial Studies
· Crime and Detection in Nineteenth-Century Literature, Winter 2019/20
· From Jane Austen to the Brontes: Female Agency in Women's Writing , Summer 2019
· Introduction to Cultural Studies, Winter 2018/2019
· London -- Symbol of a Nation ? Summer 2018
· City vs Countryside in Victorian Literature, WS 2017/2018
· British Detective Fiction between 1880 and 1930, SS 2017
Recent academic projects include:
· “Persistence of the ‘Paper Tiger’ Lunatic: Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea and the Limitations of ‘Writing Back’” (Conference: (Dis)Connected Forms: Narratives on the Fractured Self, University of Hull – September 2016)
· “The Criminal Capital? – London in Late-Victorian Detective Fiction: An insight into the world and work of John Watson, Sherlock Holmes, Mr Brett, and Martin Hewitt.” (Conference: Victorian Metropolis – a Transcultural Perspective on London & Berlin, University of Potsdam – April 2016)
· Interpreter at the meeting between members of University of Potsdam’s Coordination Office for Equal Opportunities and “Women in Politics and Corporate Governance” (organised by the Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung – November 2015)