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Fiona Möhrle, M.A.

Research Coordinator


Am Neuen Palais 10
Building 19, Room 0.26
14469 Potsdam


I am currently working as a research coordinator for the project Berlin’s Australian Archive (BAA) led by Prof. Dr. Anja Schwarz (Uni Potsdam) and PD. Dr. Eva Bischoff (Uni Trier) ( Last year, I finished my master’s degree in Applied Cultural Studies and Cultural Semiotics at the University of Potsdam where I also did my bachelor in Cultural Studies and English.

My master’s thesis was strongly attached to my then workplace, the archive at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN). In my thesis, I explored archives as a place of cultural remembrance and forgetting, as well as addressing questions of dealing with archival material from colonial contexts, especially from Australia. This interest stemmed from a long-time involvement with the project Berlin’s Australian Archive and personal interests in the mechanisms of cultural memory.

Research Interests

Coming from a cultural studies background, I am interested in intercultural entanglements (past and present) and the history of natural sciences in the 19th century in connection with colonialism.

Works, Conferences & Events