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Dr. Gigi Adair

Lecturer (akademische Mitarbeiterin)


Am Neuen Palais 10
Building 19, Room 0.19
14469 Potsdam


consulting hours
I am not teaching in SoSe 19.
Office hours will be offered at the
following times, however only if you
register at least 1 day in advance
per email.
Tuesday 9 April, 2-4 pm
Wednesday 8 May, 12-2 pm
Wednesday 5 June, 2-4 pm
Wednesday 10 July, 12-2 pm


Gigi Adair is a lecturer in cultural studies and postcolonial literature in the English department at the University of Postdam. After beginning her studies with a B.Liberal Studies (Hons) at the University of Sydney, with Honours in Gender Studies and additional majors in Chemistry and Asian studies, she completed an MA and then a PhD (2015) in English at the Freie Universität Berlin, with a thesis on diasporic kinship in contemporary Black Atlantic fiction. Her research and teaching interests include 18th- to 21st-century Anglophone literature, travel literature, postcolonial studies, gender studies and queer theory.


Kinship Across the Black Atlantic: writing diasporic relations. Liverpool UP, forthcoming.

Editorial Work
Encountering Difference: New Perspectives on Genre, Travel and Gender. Edited by Gigi Adair and Lenka Filipova. Forthcoming.
Postcolonial Justice in Australia. Reassessing the
‘Fair Go. Edited by Gigi Adair and Anja Schwarz, WVT, 2016.

Journal Articles
“The ‘Feringhi Hakīm’: medical encounters and colonial ambivalence in Isabella Bird’s travels in Japan and Persia.” Studies in Travel Writing , vol. 21, no. 1, 2017, pp. 63–75,

Book Chapters
“Postcolonial Posthumanism.” Teaching the Posthuman, edited by Julia Hoydis and Roman Bartosch, Winter Verlag, 2019.

(with Anja Schwarz) “Postcolonial Justice in Australia and the ‘Fair Go’: An Introduction.” Postcolonial Justice in Australia. Reassessing the ‘Fair Go, edited by Gigi Adair and Anja Schwarz, WVT, 2016.

“Indigenous Posthumanism in Pauline Melville’s The Ventriloquist’s Tale.” Weeds and Viruses: Ecopolitics and the Demands of Theory, edited by Cordula Lemke and Jennifer Wawrzinek, WVT, 2015, pp. 175–85.

Other current projects and cooperations

Writing the Cosmopolitan Imagination: Genre Transactions in World-Literary Space,” funded by the DAAD. Postdoc fellow, University of Delhi, 2016/17.

Experimental Histories and Alternative Archives,” funded by the DAAD. University of Potsdam and University of Technology, Sydney.

Transpacifica. Mitteleuropäische Observationen einer Neuen Mitte (1900–1945),” funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin. Postdoc fellow, University of Tokyo, 2015.