Dr. Sabine Rutar

Dr. Sabine Rutar
Former Acting Professor of Global History
in winter semester 22/23 and summer semester 2023
Curriculum Vitae
- 10/2022-09/2023: Professor for Global History, Universiy of Potsdam (substitute for Marcia C. Schenck)
- since 02/2008: Editor-in-Chief + Managing Editor Comparative Southeast European Studies and Senior Researcher, Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg
- 11/2022 – 10/2029: PI “Genocide in Srebrenica” within the project “Visual Storytelling and Graphic Art in Genocide and Human Rights Education” (PI of overall project: Charlotte Schallié, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada; Graphic Artist: Anneli Furmark, Umeå, Sweden)
- 03/2022: Guest Professor École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris
- 10/2016 - 09/2017: Fellow Berlin Center for Cold War Studies
- 10-12/2014: Fellow Käte Hamburger International Centre „Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History (re:work)”, Humboldt University, Berlin
- 10/2012 – 09/2013: Fellow Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena (Käte Hamburger Kolleg)
- 08-09/2012 and 10-11/2013: Fellow Leibniz-Centre for Contemporary History, Potsdam
- WS 2011: Professor for History of the 19th Century and Theory of History, University of Ljubljana (substitute for Marta Verginella)
- 04/2011 – 03/2014: Post-Doc Fellow / Leader of Research Cluster „Public Order“, International Project “Physical Violence and State Legitimacy in Late Socialism”, Leibniz-Centre for Contemporary History, Potsdam
- 2009 – 2014: Director of the Slovene Reading Room at the University Library Regensburg
- 06/2007 – 05/2008: Feodor-Lynen-Fellow of the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation, University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia
- 09/2004 – 06/2005: Lecturer in Southeast European History, University of Basel
- 01/2003 – 05/2007: PI DFG-project at the Institute for Social Movements at the Ruhr-University Bochum, „Labour Deployment in Yugoslav Mining Industries under German Occupation “
- 09/2001 – 12/2002: PI/Coordinator, Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, Braunschweig, „History Textbook Research, Development, and Comparison in Southeastern Europe“, funded by the German Foreign Ministry in the framework of the Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe
- 1998 – 2001: Ph.D. in Modern History and Civilization, European University Institute, Florence, Ph.D. thesis: Kulturelle Praxis im multinationalen sozialdemokratischen Milieu in Triest vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg, https://cadmus.eui.eu/handle/1814/5963
- 1987 – 1996: M.A. in Modern History, Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster
- 1991 – 1992: M. Ed. (in History Teaching), Carthage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin, USA
- 1990 – 1991: Study Abroad at Università di Roma „La Sapienza“ in Journalism, History, American Studies, Italian Studies
Research Interests
- Global Labour History
- Comparative microhistories (of work)
- History of mining and maritime industries
- Free and coercive labour
- History of social movements
- History of the wars of the 20th century
- Social history of occupied societies
- History of nationalism
- Genocide and Human Rights Education
- Public History, History in film, Visual storytelling
Professional Affiliations
- Editorial Board Tokovi istorije / Currents of History (Belgrad)
- Editorial Board Časopis za povijest zapadne Hrvatske / West Croatian History Journal (Rijeka)
- Editorial Board Narodna Umjetnost. Croatian Journal of Ethnology and Folklore Research (Zagreb)
- Association for the Modern History of Italy
- Clio-online
- European Labour History Network
- German Labour History Association
- Society for Slovene Studies
- Association of the Hstorians of Germany
- Association of the Historians of Eastern Europe (in Germany)
Awards and Prizes
- Guest Professorship: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (2022)
- Research Stipend: Berliner Kolleg Kalter Krieg (2016-17)
- Research Stipend: IGK „Arbeit und Lebenslauf in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive (re:work)“, Humboldt Universität Berlin (2014)
- Research Stipend: Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena (2012-13)
- Research Stipend: Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam (2012, 2013)
- International Workshop Funding: International Conference on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary, “The Balkan Wars 1912/13. Experience, Perception, Remembrance”, at Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul (VolkswagenStiftung) (2012)
- Erasmus Guest Professorship: Universität Primorska, Koper, Slowenien (2011)
- International Workshop Funding: Panel „Partisan Cultures in Slovenia, Istria, and Trieste”, Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies, 42nd National Convention, Los Angeles (DAAD) (2010)
- Research Stipend: Fedor-Lynen-Stipendium der Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung (2007)
- Research Stipend: Deutsches Historisches Institut Rom (2000)
- PhD Funding: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) / European University Institute, Florenz (1998 – 2001)
- Distinction: Masterarbeit „Von Racconigi (1909) bis Rapallo (1920): Die Auseinandersetzungen um Triest im Spiegel des ‚Avanti!‘“, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (1996)
- Distinction: Target Language Expert Certificate of Teaching, Carthage College, Kenosha/WI, USA (1992)