Marcia C. Schenck, Professor of Global History

Marcia C. Schenck
Professor of Global History
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Haus 11, 0.02
consulting hours
Wednesday: 1.00- 2.00 p.m.
Please register in advance via Moodle!
Curriculum Vitae
- February 2024: Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne and at the Centre of Creative and Cultural Research (CCCR) st the University of Canberra
- 2022 - 2023: 12 month Junior Fellowship at the Historische Kolleg, an Institute for Advanced Study in History in Munich
- Since 01/2020: Professor of Global History at the Universität Potsdam, Germany
- 2019: Visiting Research Scholar at Princeton University, USA
- 2018 - 2019: Research Associate in Global History at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
- 2017 - 2018: Postdoc at re:work, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany
- 2013 - 2017: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in History at Princeton University, Dissertation titled: "Socialist Solidarities and Their Afterlives: Histories and Memories of Angolan and Mozambican Migrants in the German Democratic Republic, 1975-2015," USA
- 2012 - 2013: Mercator Fellow on International Affairs in Berlin, Buenos Aires and Jakarta
- 2010 - 2012: M.A. in History at Princeton University, USA
- 2009 - 2010: M.Sc. in African Studies at the University of Oxford, UK
- 2005 - 2009: B.A. in International Relations at Mount Holyoke College, USA; Certificate in African Studies, Honor’s Thesis in History
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Research Interests
- Global history
- African history
- History of migration, mobility and processes of refuge seeking
- Labor history
- Education history
- Oral and life history
- History of international organizations
Positions and Memberships
- African Studies Association, GB
- African Studies Association, USA
- American Historical Association, USA
- Advisory Board: Dr. Jenö Staehelin Stiftung, Switzerland
- Steering Group: ROUTES an der Universität Exeter, UK
- Co-spokesperson: Working Group on World Regional and Global History (AK Weltregionale und Globale Geschichte, AKWGG), VHD, Germany
- E Council on Migration
- Gesellschaft für Afrikastudien, Deutschland
- Jury: Voltaire Prize for Tolerance, International Understanding, and Respect for Differences, Germany
- Lusophone African Studies Association, USA
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Gerda Henkel Foundation, Funding Programme Forced Migration
- Member of: Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands
- Member of the Commission "Connecting the World: Europe, Africa, and the Americas" of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
- Nefia: Network on International Affairs, Germany, Germany
- The German Network of Forced Migration Researchers (Netzwerk Fluchtforschung), Germany
- German National Academic Foundation(Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes), Germany
Awards and Prizes
- Distinction: YERUN (Young European Research Universities) Open Science Awards 2023
- Fellowship: Junior Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study "Historischen Kolleg” in Munich (2022-23)
- Distinction: E-Learning UP Award 2021 for „Social Online-Teaching at the University of Potsdam“ (2021)
- Distinction: Finalist of the teaching award of the state of Brandenburg (2021)
- Distinction: Certificate of Excellence for Teaching, University of Potsdam, Germany (2020-21)
- Research fellowship: Visiting Research Scholar, Princeton University, USA (2019)
- International workshop funding: “Rethinking Refuge: Processes of refuge seeking in Africa and beyond,” Forum for Transregional Studies, Berlin (2019)
- Research stipend: International Research Center ‘Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History’ (re:work), Berlin (2017-18)
- Dissertation Writing Fellowship: Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, University of Princeton, USA (2016-17; research grants 2012, 2011)
- Research Grant: Luso-American Development Foundation & National Library, Portugal (2015)
- Distinction: Paper Prize of the Lusophone African Studies Organization, African Studies Association (2015)
- Distinction: American Historical Association, Winner of Graduate Student Blog contest (2015)
- Dissertation Research Grant: History Department, Princeton University, USA (2014-15)
- Fellowship: Mercator Fellowship on International Affairs, Mercator Foundation, Germany (2012-13)
- Five Year PhD Fellowship: History Department, Princeton University, USA (2010-16)
- Pre-enrolment Language Study Grant: Princeton University, USA (2010)
- Ioma Evans-Pritchard Scholarship: St. Anne’s College, African Studies Department, University of Oxford, UK (2009-10)
- Ruth C. Lawson Fellowship in International Politics: Mount Holyoke College, USA (2009-10)
- Bradwell Memorial Fellowship: Alumnae Association, Mount Holyoke College, USA (2009-10)
- Distinction: Phi Beta Kappa Society, Theta Chapter, America’s oldest Academic Honor Society, USA (2009)
- Distinction: Mary Lyon Scholar, BA summa cum laude, Mount Holyoke College, USA (2009)
- Distinction: Clio-Melpomene Prize for excellent honors thesis in history, Mount Holyoke College, USA (2009)
- Distinction: Eugenia Warren Herbert Prize for excellence in African history, Mount Holyoke College, USA (2009)
- Distinction: Student Leadership and Service Award, Mount Holyoke College, USA (2009)
- Distinction: Who’s Who Among Students, Mount Holyoke College, USA (2009)