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News from the University of Potsdam

Selected Subject:
Crowd of People in the Sun

Briefly Asked… – Jasper Tjaden, Professor for Applied Social Research and Public Policy

You are doing research on migration and integration. What interests you about it? I am interested in the complexity of the phenomena of migration and …
Three apparently unhappy examiners ask the test subject to solve difficult problems and pose uncomfortable questions.

Stress Fest at the Stress Test – A visit to Prof. Dr. Pia-Maria Wippert’s laboratory

A plain and white-painted room in the historic building no. 12 at Neues Palais, one table, three chairs. Nothing suggests that things are about to get …
Landwirt mit Strohhut hält ein Ei in der einen und ein Smartphone in der anderen an und filmt sich für ein YouTube-Video.

“Hi Guys! Welcome to My New Video …” – Roland Verwiebe and his team investigate the working conditions of YouTubers

Putting on makeup in front of the camera, uploading sketches, giving extra history lessons – the range of videos on YouTube is as diverse as the …
Networks - Business Connections - Social Media Concept Design

“We Provide a Productive Break With Everyday Understanding” – Sociology between analyzing everyday life and encouraging critical thinking

Jürgen Mackert is Professor of General Sociology. But a look at his research interests shows that they are anything but general: He researches …
Annika Koch (left) and Prof. Maja Apelt (right) in interview

Diversity with the Potential for Conflict – The project “Bodyrules” researches official and unofficial rules related to the body

How do cultural and religious diversity influence the way we deal with each other in public institutions such as schools, swimming pools, and …
Illustration for the project „HateLess“: A red finger is chrushing a man under a keyboard. The illustraion is from Andreas Töpfer.

Preempting Hate Speech – How the “HateLess” program helps young people free their schools from hate speech

Scrolling through the comment sections of news platforms, one sometimes wishes there was a delete button to remove all the hate mail, insults, and …
The Researchers Dr. Paulina Tomaszewska (left), Prof. Dr. Barbara Krahé (middle) und Dr. Isabell Schuster (right). The picture is from Tobias Hopfgarten.

Sexual Aggression – Psychologist Barbara Krahé and her team want to strengthen the competencies of young adults in sexual situations

#MeToo caused a stir – not just online, but also in people’s minds. Many now interpret touch, gestures, and words as sexual assault, which they might …
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mackert | Foto: Karla Fritze

Zeroing in on Science – Professor of Sociology Jürgen Mackert Supervised Several Scholars at Risk in His Working Group

Since 2015, scholars who can no longer work in their home countries because they are under threat or persecuted have had the opportunity to continue …
Man with two children in the kitchen.

Care – Work That Is Invisible – Sociologist Roland Verwiebe on Care Work

It is 8:30 p.m. and the children need to go to bed. An hour passes before they finally fall asleep on most days. The single mother is expecting a …
Berlin Gesundbrunnen | Photo: AdobeStock/anweber

How Secure is Safe?! – A Germany-wide project examines how to organize safety in urban neighborhoods

Quiet suburb, hip inner city, quaint small town, multicultural urban neighborhood – for every lifestyle there is a suitable place. Why do we feel safe …