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News from the University of Potsdam

Selected Subject:
Digital Engineering Fakultät
Lars Masanneck at the Ceremonial farewell of the 2024 graduates

Transgressing Boundaries with Digital Medicine – Lars Masanneck receives the Graduate Award of the Universitätsgesellschaft Potsdam e.V.

What brings a medical doctor to the Digital Engineering Faculty of the University of Potsdam after completing his medical studies? Lars Masanneck says …
Portrait von Prof. Dr. Christoph Lippert

Can Artificial Intelligence Prevent Diseases? – With the help of self-learning methods, researchers analyze which risk of disease lies in our genes

About 1.7 million people from Europe and the US provide the database for a large-scale interdisciplinary research project. Their genetic information …

Potsdam Joins ELLIS, the European AI Network of Excellence

ELLIS, the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems, today announced the inclusion of Potsdam as a new region in the prestigious …
Someone is holding a smartphone in their hands and has opened the memodio app.

Fighting Forgetfulness – Start-up Company memodio Develops an App for Dementia Prevention

Anyone over 50 who forgets names, appointments, or words increasingly often should be concerned about their health. Memory disorders can be a sign of …
Two working persons.

Bird’s Eye View – BIRD looks at the wealth of digital learning opportunities and connects them on a national education platform

“It is the biggest and most demanding project that I have ever done,” says Ulrike Lucke, leans back into her office chair, and blows a strand of hair …
Lasse Steffen, Marco Trippler, and Jerome Lange (f.l.t.r.) | Photo: Thomas Roese

Hoppla! Here comes Koppla! – The revolution for craft enterprises

“We want every craftsman and woman to work with our software – because it is easy to use and simplifies many processes. At the end of the day, it …
Data science can help to bring light and dark to complex processes. | Photo: Andreas Töpfer

Good News – How data science helps us to better understand the Coronavirus pandemic

The pandemic caused by the Coronavirus starting back in late 2019 still affects the lives of billions of people around the globe even half a year …
Prof. Dr. Christoph Lippert. Foto: HPI/Kay Herschelmann

And all for One - Christoph Lippert explains how data from millions of people can help the individual patient

The assistant is looking apprehensively into the diary. “The meeting is delayed,” she says. “And the next appointment begins in an hour.” In between, …
Photo: Fotolia/Elnur.

The Human Factor – Professor Emmanuel Müller is working on new data analysis methods

For most people, “big data” is just an abstract term, an obscure mass of numbers, data, and formulas. Emmanuel Müller, however, is at home in this …