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News from the University of Potsdam

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Timilehin Ogunnusi (li.) und Pascal Kienast bringen sich ins EDUC Think Lab ein.

Strengthening a Sense of Belonging – In the EDUC Think Lab, Students Develop Digital Tools for the European University Alliance

“Hello, EDUC, I study History and Philosophy at the University of Potsdam. What courses are available for me in the EDUC course catalogue?” – “Good …
Antonia Pydde (left) and Paula Gilka

Studying With Financial Aid – Over 600 university scholarships have been awarded by the University of Potsdam in recent years, and the number is constantly increasing

Studying every day, even at weekends: This is reality for Paula Gilka. The student from Potsdam is studying French law concurrently with her German …
Verena Schott is swimming.

Stroke by Stroke – Para swimmer Verena Schott between world-class sports and teacher training

Plunging into the water, swimming laps in the pool, alone against the clock or competing with others. Swimming has always been part of Verena Schott’s …
Lars Masanneck at the Ceremonial farewell of the 2024 graduates

Transgressing Boundaries with Digital Medicine – Lars Masanneck receives the Graduate Award of the Universitätsgesellschaft Potsdam e.V.

What brings a medical doctor to the Digital Engineering Faculty of the University of Potsdam after completing his medical studies? Lars Masanneck says …
Alejandra Camelo Cruz

With Willpower and Passion – University scholarship recipient Alejandra Camelo Cruz discovered her enthusiasm for the intersection of technology and language in Potsdam

At the age of 28, Alejandra Camelo Cruz has already experienced a lot: After finishing high school, the Colombian wanted to become a priest and lived …
Lucia Steinmeyer teaches English to a fourth grade.

The Country Teacher – Graduate Lucia Steinmeyer teaches at a primary school in Zülichendorf, Brandenburg

She could have become a miller. As a child, Lucia Steinmeyer watched her grandparents in Luckenwalde grind grain into flour. For a long time, she …
Physics didact Andreas Borowski

Professionally Competent and Qualified for the Job – How the University of Potsdam is training urgently needed teachers

There is a shortage of teachers at schools everywhere. In order to meet the great demand, the University of Potsdam, funded by the state of …
Ehizode Irefo (l.) and Hikmet Güler (r.)

Committed to Europe – “I am a big fan of the European Union and of Europe.”

Ehizode Irefo and Hikmet Güler have dedicated themselves to something that transcends university and even national borders. In the EDUC university …
Gruppe von kolumbianischen Studierenden vor dem Physikgebäude in Golm

Fostering oversea contacts – students from Colombia visited Potsdam geoscientists

The Institute of Geosciences at the University of Potsdam has established diverse contacts to Latin America for long time via study exchanges, …
Sven Dinklage (l.) and Liliana Mayer

“A Three-Month Stay in Brazil or Argentina Is the Equivalent of Two Years at Home” – Sven Dinklage and Liliana Mayer Build Bridges to South America for the University of Potsdam

Sven Dinklage represents the University of Potsdam in Brazil. He supports students, researchers, and administration employees with regard to …