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News from the University of Potsdam

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Frederike Offizier during the interview.

All Totally Healthy? – American Studies Scholar Frederike Offizier About Biosecurity

Early diagnostics, genetic tests, self-surveillance: In the scientific community, the term biosecurity has long since ceased to refer only to the …
Eli Friedlander

From Kant’s Philosophy to Benjamin’s Aesthetics – The Israeli Philosopher Eli Friedlander Is a Guest at the University of Potsdam

Wer sich die Gemälde von Franz Marc ansieht, findet neben expressionistisch und fast kubistisch anmutenden Formen vor allem eins: satte, …
Dotti Moscati, a Berlin burlesque performer originally from Chicago, has enriched the Berlin scene as a “burlesque clown” since 2017.

Queer Stagecraft – Joanna Staśkiewicz explores the neo-burlesque scenes in New Orleans, Berlin and Warsaw

A white veil and a red cloth alternately reveal and veil the body of a woman dancing on a stage bathed in blue light. Sometimes as a white wedding …
Portrait von Prof. Dr. Magdalena Marszałek. Das Foto ist privat.

“The readiness to help is overwhelming” - Magdalena Marszałek on Poland’s perspective on the war in Ukraine

The Russian war of aggression has been raging in Ukraine for two months. While part of the Ukrainian population defends their country at home, others …
The picture shows Alexander Wöll, Professor for the Culture and Literature of Central and Eastern Europe. The photo is from Tobias Hopfgarten.

“The current developments stand within a centuries-old tradition” – Slavist Studies scholar Prof. Dr. Alexander Wöll on the war in Ukraine

Many generations of Ukrainians have already experienced the loss of independence, says Alexander Wöll. The Professor of the Culture and Literature of …
Prof. Marie Schröer | Photo: Thomas Roese

The Core of Things – Comics, art, and culinary studies: Junior Professor for Cultural Semiotics and Cultures of Romance Countries Marie Schröer interprets the signs of the times

She is the daughter of a French mother: Little Nicolas, Tintin, Asterix and Obelix walked through the picture stories of her childhood. Growing up in …