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News from the University of Potsdam

Selected Subject:
Prof. Maximilian Kleinert

Fresh Momentum for Diabetes Research – Maximilian Kleinert holds the new Heisenberg professorship at the University of Potsdam and at the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke

The effects and significance of physical exercise on the human organism form the common thread in Maximilian Kleinert’s research. Now he will be able …
Young researchers of the University of Potsdam and the German Institute of Human Nutrition (DIfE) are investigating how the interplay of genes, nutrition, and exercise can influence muscle loss as we age. | Foto: AdobeStock/andreusK

Old age without fragility – Young researchers are investigating how the interplay of genes, nutrition, and exercise can influence muscle loss as we age

From the age of 50, many people feel that their strength is gradually diminishing and movements are becoming more and more difficult. This is normal …
Prof. André Kleinridders | Foto: Thomas Roese

33 Questions for Prof. André Kleinridders

Who are you? What is your current research project? What did you have for breakfast? And why did you enter the field of science? Portal Wissen wants …

Alternative Milk from Peas – Start-up VlyFoods believes in nutritional value and environmental protection

Oat, rice, soy or almond milk - plant-based alternatives to classic cow’s milk are trendy and in increasing demand. Nicolas Hartmann, Niklas Katter, …
The Founders: Christian Zimmermann and Stella Strüfing | Photo: Nongin

Sparkling and tasty – Start-up “Noa Drinks” develops non-alcoholic gin

Sparkling or non-sparkling wine without alcohol often has an insipid flavor: either watery or just sweet. In any case, these alternatives are hardly …
Fluoreszenzmikroskopische Aufnahme von menschlichen Neuronen; grün: das neuronale Netzwerk, blau: die Zellkerne. | Foto: Tanja Schwerdtle.

Searching for Traces – Nutritional Scientists Want to Fill Knowledge Gaps about Trace Elements

Iodine, zinc, iron, copper, selenium, and manganese are essential trace elements our body needs in tiny quantities. Yet basic knowledge about these …
Psychologin Diana Peitz. Photo: Thomas Roese.

Tracking down hunger with nose, ears and heart – Psychologists test a promising new therapeutic approach for eating and weight disorders

A crispy bread roll, a juicy mango, or a warming soup - our food appeals to many senses and usually serves more than just the need to fill the …
Picture: Karla Fritze

Learning How to Lose Weight

Psychologists in Potsdam have developed a training program for obese young people

They’ve just grown out of children’s shoes and are already too fat. Unfortunately this no longer a rare situation. Pathological obesity at an early …
Picture: Iris/

Too Much or Not Enough

Malnutrition – A worldwide problem

Not enough food to fill the stomach. This is bitter reality for about 2 billion people on our globe. Millions die every year. Undernourishment is …
Bild: Berthold Hocher

Programming Early in the Womb

About a new type of gestational diabetes and early programming of subsequent diseases

The publication in the scientific serial PNAS caused quite a stir. Together with scientists from the Netherlands, Germany, and Switzerland, …