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News from the University of Potsdam

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Dr Katharina Rein in her office.

Threefold Magic – Technology, Tricks, and Show Effects

Sophisticated card tricks, floating objects, or alleged mind reading: Hardly anyone has not been amazed by the illusions and spectacles of …
Maja Linke in her office.

33 Questions to Maja Linke, Professor of Artistic Practice Specialising in Painting/Graphics

In what way is asking a question an emancipatory act? And what does responding have to do with responsibility? Is it possible to conduct artistic …
Eli Friedlander

From Kant’s Philosophy to Benjamin’s Aesthetics – The Israeli Philosopher Eli Friedlander Is a Guest at the University of Potsdam

Wer sich die Gemälde von Franz Marc ansieht, findet neben expressionistisch und fast kubistisch anmutenden Formen vor allem eins: satte, …
Prof. Birgit Schneider

Humor Sometimes Helps – Looking for New Paths in the Discussion of Climate Change

What is going wrong in climate communication? Culture and media scientist Birgit Schneider and media and science researcher Alexander Schindler …
Dotti Moscati, a Berlin burlesque performer originally from Chicago, has enriched the Berlin scene as a “burlesque clown” since 2017.

Queer Stagecraft – Joanna Staśkiewicz explores the neo-burlesque scenes in New Orleans, Berlin and Warsaw

A white veil and a red cloth alternately reveal and veil the body of a woman dancing on a stage bathed in blue light. Sometimes as a white wedding …
The picture shows Alexander Wöll, Professor for the Culture and Literature of Central and Eastern Europe. The photo is from Tobias Hopfgarten.

“The current developments stand within a centuries-old tradition” – Slavist Studies scholar Prof. Dr. Alexander Wöll on the war in Ukraine

Many generations of Ukrainians have already experienced the loss of independence, says Alexander Wöll. The Professor of the Culture and Literature of …
Sensors in cuddly bears? Researchers are studying how sensors influence our perception. | Photo: AdobeStock/bualuang.

How Technologies Affect our Emotions – Researchers Study the Impact of Sensors on Perception

What happens when parents leave the task of watching by the bedside of their fevered child to a plush teddy equipped with a sensor? How does a dog …
Prof. Johannes Ungelenk. | Foto: Karla Fritze.

Touched by the Uncertain – Literary Scholar Johannes Ungelenk Takes Unusual Paths

To fail the reading of theoretical texts with pleasure, to write about the weather as a literary scholar and to familiarize students with the …
Lisa Andergassen. Foto: Meike Sieveking.

Can Pornography Be Fair? – Lisa Andergassen on fairness in a controversial industry

Pornographic representations have been around for thousands of years: They have been passed down in frescos, sculptures, and paintings from ancient …
DIGAREC – the Digital Games Research Center at the University of Potsdam. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Games - Past, present, and future of a young medium

In the course of its short history, computer gaming has already undergone rapid changes. And for exactly this reason, it poses a challenge to …