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News from the University of Potsdam

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Illustration on the topic ‘What does climate change have to do with the pyramids in Egypt?’

Geoscientist Prof. Martin Trauth Answers the Question: What Does Climate Change Have to Do With the Pyramids in Egypt?

We are all familiar with pictures of the three great pyramids of Giza or have even been there and were impressed by their size. And, of course, we are …
View of Nainital at Lake Naini

Downhill – Environmental Scientists Investigate How Natural Disasters Become More Likely Due to Human Influences

Somewhere in the Indian part of the Himalayas: Narrow roads wind their way along steep slopes, cutting almost playful lines into the rugged rock. It …
Kirsten Sachse im Labor

My Workday – Between Shaking Flasks and Petri Dishes

“I love my amebae because they are more like us than you might think,” says Kirsten Sachse. Amebae are social unicellular organisms with a diameter of …
Symbolische Darstellung eines Netzwerks

“The Aim is to Increase the Competitiveness and Visibility of Young Universities” – The Young European Research Universities Network YERUN

The European Union has transformed a continent that was divided and even hostile for centuries into a community that exchanges ideas, makes joint …
A swallow starts out on one hand.

Infections with parasites affect the local flight behaviour of swallows

Swallows infected with parasites move less and in smaller ranges than healthy ones – with detrimental effects on their foraging success and their …
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Herzschuh während des Interviews

Extrapolating from the Core – Leibniz Prize winner Ulrike Herzschuh conducts research on climate history for the future of the planet

Ulrike Herzschuh needs staying power. What she researches happened a long time ago, is difficult to find, and takes many years. The biologist is …
Prof. Maximilian Kleinert

Fresh Momentum for Diabetes Research – Maximilian Kleinert holds the new Heisenberg professorship at the University of Potsdam and at the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke

The effects and significance of physical exercise on the human organism form the common thread in Maximilian Kleinert’s research. Now he will be able …
Dr. Maximilian Korges (li.) und Prof. Max Wilke

From Very Old Deposits to Active Underwater Volcanos – Geoscience Researchers Study the Formation of Ore Deposits

In the DFG Priority Program DOME, it is all about ore: How are mixtures of different minerals and metals formed, which have very different properties …
The image illustrates how in electron microscopy the electron beam interacts with a protein, providing detailed information about the protein's structure.

Tracking photosynthesis – Breakthrough in cryo-electron microscopy

High resolution cryo-electron microscopy enables to map and study the complex processes of photosynthesis in organisms in unprecedented detail. This …
Student of music didactics visit the VR/ AR Makerspace of computer science

VReiraum in the Makerspace – Innovative Teaching Project on Using Virtual and Augmented Reality in Academic Teaching

How do we want to live in the city of the future? Can it be designed in a way that protects the climate and environment and also promotes social …