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News from the University of Potsdam

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Maja Linke in her office.

33 Questions to Maja Linke, Professor of Artistic Practice Specialising in Painting/Graphics

In what way is asking a question an emancipatory act? And what does responding have to do with responsibility? Is it possible to conduct artistic …
Aileen Oeberst in her office

Misjudgments and False Memories – The newly appointed professor Aileen Oeberst knows the pitfalls of human information processing

To err is human – this is a commonplace truth. Fortunately, when we make mistakes, the impacts are usually less serious than we fear. But there are …
Diana Gonzalez Olivo

Empowering Others – Diana Gonzalez Olivo is the new Integration Commissioner of the state of Brandenburg

On a Sunday morning in September, Diana Gonzalez Olivo sets out for Groß Schönebeck in Brandenburg. She wants to take part in a tour of the village, …
Lars Masanneck at the Ceremonial farewell of the 2024 graduates

Transgressing Boundaries with Digital Medicine – Lars Masanneck receives the Graduate Award of the Universitätsgesellschaft Potsdam e.V.

What brings a medical doctor to the Digital Engineering Faculty of the University of Potsdam after completing his medical studies? Lars Masanneck says …
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Herzschuh während des Interviews

Extrapolating from the Core – Leibniz Prize winner Ulrike Herzschuh conducts research on climate history for the future of the planet

Ulrike Herzschuh needs staying power. What she researches happened a long time ago, is difficult to find, and takes many years. The biologist is …
Prof. Maximilian Kleinert

Fresh Momentum for Diabetes Research – Maximilian Kleinert holds the new Heisenberg professorship at the University of Potsdam and at the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke

The effects and significance of physical exercise on the human organism form the common thread in Maximilian Kleinert’s research. Now he will be able …
Prof. Dr. Peter van der Beek

Prof. van der Beek becomes President of the European Geosciences Union

Peter van der Beek, Professor of General Geology at the University of Potsdam, was elected to serve as EGU President for the term 2025–2027. He was …
Reservoir „Sierra Boyera“ in Córdoba (southern Spain) with intake tower. Usual water levels almost reach the top of the tower. Because of dehydration and low water level, a pipe system connects the intake tower with the closest water body in the photo.

Hydrologic models and climate change – Humboldt Fellow Patricio Yeste guest at the University of Potsdam

The research of Dr. Patricio Yeste involves the application of hydrologic models and the analysis of climate change impacts on water resources. Since …
Einige Personen bei einer Preisverleihung

Excellent Digital Teaching – 2023 E-Learning Award Presented at the University of Potsdam

Prof. Dr. Nina Brendel has won the 2023 E-Learning Award of the University of Potsdam. The Professor for Geograpy Education received the award for her …
Prof. Dr. Katharina Scheiter

33 Questions to Prof. Dr. Katharina Scheiter, Professor of Digital Education at the Department of Education

Digital media are increasingly finding their way into schools. On the one hand, their use in schools is intended to prepare children and adolescents …