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News from the University of Potsdam

Selected Subject:
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Herzschuh während des Interviews

Extrapolating from the Core – Leibniz Prize winner Ulrike Herzschuh conducts research on climate history for the future of the planet

Ulrike Herzschuh needs staying power. What she researches happened a long time ago, is difficult to find, and takes many years. The biologist is …
Rookie Kas Haverkort on the race track

Pit Stop for the Big Dream – Outpatient Clinic of the University of Potsdam provides medical care for young racing drivers of the Porsche Supercup

Enormous heat, acceleration and centrifugal forces, and extreme mental stress – what looks like living the dream from the outside, is actually hard …
Three apparently unhappy examiners ask the test subject to solve difficult problems and pose uncomfortable questions.

Stress Fest at the Stress Test – A visit to Prof. Dr. Pia-Maria Wippert’s laboratory

A plain and white-painted room in the historic building no. 12 at Neues Palais, one table, three chairs. Nothing suggests that things are about to get …
Prof. Heinz Völler and his team

Back to Work Without Cardiophobia – “AmPULS” is testing a program that supports a return to the workplace following cardiovascular disease and rehabilitation

The lakeshore behind the clinic invites for a walk. The resin scent of the nearby forest, the fresh wind blowing across the water – those who come to …
Portrait von Prof. Dr. Christoph Lippert

Can Artificial Intelligence Prevent Diseases? – With the help of self-learning methods, researchers analyze which risk of disease lies in our genes

About 1.7 million people from Europe and the US provide the database for a large-scale interdisciplinary research project. Their genetic information …

Potsdam Joins ELLIS, the European AI Network of Excellence

ELLIS, the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems, today announced the inclusion of Potsdam as a new region in the prestigious …
Eine Illustration eines Eisbergs im Wasser. die obere kleine Spitze guckt an der Oberfläche heraus, ein Bootfahrer sieht mit einem Fernglas darauf. Der größere untere Teil befindet sich unter der Wasseroberfläche, auf ihm steht das Wort "Risk".

Transparency Helps! – How the Harding Center Enables People to Understand Health Risks

Corona rushed into the world at the beginning of 2020. In January, it was still a marginal note in news about China, at the beginning of March there …
Someone is holding a smartphone in their hands and has opened the memodio app.

Fighting Forgetfulness – Start-up Company memodio Develops an App for Dementia Prevention

Anyone over 50 who forgets names, appointments, or words increasingly often should be concerned about their health. Memory disorders can be a sign of …
Prof. Dr. Katja Hanack (M.) und Anja Hönow (l.) im Interview

Cells with Special Demands – A new detection system for SARS-CoV-2 is being developed at the University of Potsdam

COVID-19 tests are an important tool in pandemic response. Antigen rapid tests provide a result in just a few minutes but are relatively inaccurate. …
Genome surgery in discourse: Robert Ranisch at a "Wissenschaft im Dialog" event | Photo: M. Scholz/WiD

“Science Needs Values” – Junior Professor of Medical Ethics Robert Ranisch is among the first newly appointed professors of the Faculty of Health Sciences Brandenburg

When COVID-19 infections, and with them the severe COVID cases, skyrocketed in the spring of 2020, medical laypersons, i.e. most people, learned a …