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News from the University of Potsdam

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Illustration on the topic ‘What does climate change have to do with the pyramids in Egypt?’

Geoscientist Prof. Martin Trauth Answers the Question: What Does Climate Change Have to Do With the Pyramids in Egypt?

We are all familiar with pictures of the three great pyramids of Giza or have even been there and were impressed by their size. And, of course, we are …
Timilehin Ogunnusi (li.) und Pascal Kienast bringen sich ins EDUC Think Lab ein.

Strengthening a Sense of Belonging – In the EDUC Think Lab, Students Develop Digital Tools for the European University Alliance

“Hello, EDUC, I study History and Philosophy at the University of Potsdam. What courses are available for me in the EDUC course catalogue?” – “Good …
Dr Katharina Rein in her office.

Threefold Magic – Technology, Tricks, and Show Effects

Sophisticated card tricks, floating objects, or alleged mind reading: Hardly anyone has not been amazed by the illusions and spectacles of …
Maja Linke in her office.

33 Questions to Maja Linke, Professor of Artistic Practice Specialising in Painting/Graphics

In what way is asking a question an emancipatory act? And what does responding have to do with responsibility? Is it possible to conduct artistic …
Robot Nao in the office together with Katharina Kühne

Did You Know … That Potsdam Robots Speak Berlin Dialect? – Katharina Kühne researches our relationship to artificial agents

“Well done, enough work for today,” says Katharina Kühne. Then she presses a button on Nao’s chest; the robot sits down, and the blue light in its …
Prof. Dr. Julia Brennecke

Fast Lane to Success Thanks to Mentoring – Julia Brennecke supports start-up teams of Potsdam Transfer at the University of Potsdam

Doing research and starting a business – do they go together? If you ask start-up consultant Ole Korn about the success rate of Potsdam Transfer’s …
Aileen Oeberst in her office

Misjudgments and False Memories – The newly appointed professor Aileen Oeberst knows the pitfalls of human information processing

To err is human – this is a commonplace truth. Fortunately, when we make mistakes, the impacts are usually less serious than we fear. But there are …
Antonia Pydde (left) and Paula Gilka

Studying With Financial Aid – Over 600 university scholarships have been awarded by the University of Potsdam in recent years, and the number is constantly increasing

Studying every day, even at weekends: This is reality for Paula Gilka. The student from Potsdam is studying French law concurrently with her German …
Kirsten Sachse im Labor

My Workday – Between Shaking Flasks and Petri Dishes

“I love my amebae because they are more like us than you might think,” says Kirsten Sachse. Amebae are social unicellular organisms with a diameter of …
Martin Fischer in seinem Büro.

If I Could, I Would … Suspend the Laws of Nature! – with cognitive scientist Prof. Martin Fischer, Ph.D.

At least in the lab. My topic is “Embodied Cognition”. To understand it better, one of the things I would like to do is defy gravity. In the past, the …