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News from the University of Potsdam

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Alejandra Camelo Cruz

With Willpower and Passion – University scholarship recipient Alejandra Camelo Cruz discovered her enthusiasm for the intersection of technology and language in Potsdam

At the age of 28, Alejandra Camelo Cruz has already experienced a lot: After finishing high school, the Colombian wanted to become a priest and lived …
The US-American researcher Sudha Arunachalam

The Subtle Differences – Visiting researcher Sudha Arunachalam about linguistic research on infants

Linguist Sudha Arunachalam has received the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for her findings on …
Different social media buttons on a smartphone display.

Future Prospects – “SoMe4Dem” And How Social Media Can Damage or Strengthen Democracy

Fake news, manipulation, and opinion mongering – social media has made it easy to blur the lines between facts and opinions and influence public …
Prof. Dr. Doreen Georgi

Researching Limits to Recognize Possibilities – The Collaborative Research Center 1287 investigates the “variability of language”

Undoubtedly, language is one of the most versatile tools used by humans. This is because of its variability, which manifests across all levels – from …
Illustrations cognitive sciences

“Now is the right time and this is the right place“ – In Potsdam’s cognitive sciences, researchers from different disciplines have been working together successfully for many years

The cognitive sciences deal with the information processing and structures of an intelligent system – be it humans or machines. In Potsdam, cognitive …
Robot Nao

Face to Face – David Schlangen wants to enable artificial intelligence to interact with us in real time

Whether in an online help chat or when calling a service provider on the phone: communication with dialogue systems has become omnipresent. Most of …
Prof. Barbara Höhle

Instructive Babble of Voices – Inside the Potsdam BabyLAB – Lab Visit (instead of) Self-experimentation

Little Mathilde is the star of the day: Laboratory coordinator Tom Fritzsche welcomes her and her mother.  Afterwards, Dr. Alan Langus, a member of …
Karolina Zaczynska (linsk) und Prof. Manfred Stede (rechts) sitzen am Schreibtisch und geben ein Interview

How Diplomats Debate – Prof. Manfred Stede and Karolina Zaczynska Research the Trajectories of Conflicts in the UN Security Council

“We have made significant progress in the fifteen years since the Security Council passed its landmark resolution on women, peace and security,” …
Eye movement measurement

In the Blink of an Eye – Eye movements can reveal a lot – A junior research group investigates what exactly

Eye movements have long been a subject of research. For decades, cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics have been analyzing eye movements to …
At the BabyLAB

“It’s time for an Excellence Cluster at Potsdam …” – Vice President Prof. Dr. Barbara Höhle is highly determined

Barbara Höhle has a passion for science: With curiosity and experiments, she keeps advancing her subject psycholinguistics with great strides. Calm in …