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News from the University of Potsdam

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Illustration on the topic ‘What does climate change have to do with the pyramids in Egypt?’

Geoscientist Prof. Martin Trauth Answers the Question: What Does Climate Change Have to Do With the Pyramids in Egypt?

We are all familiar with pictures of the three great pyramids of Giza or have even been there and were impressed by their size. And, of course, we are …
Matheus Hagedorny during the interview.

Between Hostility and Admiration – The Historian Matheus Hagedorny on Images of Islam among the New Right

In early 2024, hundreds of thousands of people across Germany took to the streets to protest against the far-right. This was in response to a meeting …

“It Is Extremely Important for Historians to See Such Sources with Their Own Eyes” – Why Potsdam Students Are Excavating a Roman Villa in Spain

Students studying history or classical philology at the University of Potsdam usually learn about archaeological excavations from books, films, or …
Prof. Sönke Neitze and Dr. Alex Kay (background).

Cultures of Violence – Insights from work towards a systematic approach to military violence

Deportation, torture, and killing: How has the use of violence changed or even become radicalized in the armies of the great European powers? What has …
Eine Frau sitzt am Schreibtisch und erklärt jemandem etwas

From Africa to the GDR and back – Marcia Schenck’s research on labor migration brings together individual and world history

Marica C. Schenck is a historian and professor of global history at the University of Potsdam. Her specialty is the big picture, global contexts. It …
Prof. Filippo Carlà-Uhink and Niklas Engel

Gift or Bribery? – Corruption In the Ancient World, “Twisted Transfers” and What We Can Learn From Them Today

When former German Federal President Christian Wulff was forced to resign in 2012 following allegations of corruption, the debate, as always in such …
The military historian Prof. Dr. Sönke Neitzel at the interview.

“Secret Intelligence is Rarely Completely Secret” - Military Historian Sönke Neitzel on the Role of the Intelligence Services in the Ukraine War

The war in Ukraine is not only taking place in the Donbass, the suburbs of Kiev and other major Ukrainian cities; it is also raging in secret. Long …
Portrait von Dr. Anke Geißler-Grünberg. Das Foto ist von Tobias Hopfgarten.

Rediscovering Cultural Heritage – Jewish Cemeteries in Brandenburg and Western Poland

Jewish cemeteries are among the oldest places of remembrance in many regions – including in Brandenburg. But after the widespread expulsion and …
map of the electorate Brandenburg

Brandenburg 1717 – Thomas Fischbacher revives a 300-year-old state description

Thomas Fischbacher gets around a lot at the moment. He rides trains and his bicycle across Brandenburg – to the many small towns of the March, from …
Building 9 on the Campus Am Neuen Palais gets its cupola back. The photo is from Karla Fritze.

The transformation of the East German universities in the 1980s/90s: Potsdam in a comparative perspective

The Transformation of the East German Humanities: Potsdam in Comparative Perspective Lara Büchel “Transformation”, “renewal”, “colonization”: These …