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News from the University of Potsdam

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Children of different age groups solved memory update tasks in a research project. Photo: Anna Trapp


Why human working memory performance differs among people

Working memory is the intermediate storage device for the human brain. Its capacity is limited, even more so for people with learning disabilities …
Image: Anne Springer

Why Love Hurts

About the Relativity of Pain

Pain is a reaction of the body to an objectively measurable stimulus. How we sense pain subjectively, whether we rate it as merely unpleasant or as …
Photo: Karla Fritze

Giving Teeth to Tooth Protection

Vulnerable protective layers, slippery polymers and enamel that repairs itself

We all know – sweet and sour things are not good for our teeth. A short aqueous citric acid bath is enough to affect the hard dental enamel. A look …

Business Model Research

The Entrepreneurial Scientist

“Colibri Photonics” has existed since 2010. The company produces tiny sensors that scientists or medical doctors use for non-contact measurement of …
Photo: Lydia Gornitzka

Urban Talks

Getting Involved in Linguistics

Big cities are as diverse in their languages as they are in their people. Dialects, accents, slang, and youth language – they open up most interesting …
Photo: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

Rings of Ice and Dust

Cassini Mission brings new knowledge about Saturn

Galileo Galilei was the first to see them. In 1610 he observed Saturn’s rings through a simple telescope. However, he did not recognise them as such …
Lake sediments in the Boam Gorge with soft sediment deformation. (Photo: Dr. Angela Landgraf)

Traces in the Sand

Geologists from Potsdam measure the shorelines of Lake Issyk Kul

Volcano eruptions, earthquakes, floods, landslides – these forces of nature form new patterns of our landscape again and again. Today we can still …