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News from the University of Potsdam

Selected Subject:
Mehrsprachigkeit in der Kirche

Let’s go to Ghana! – Days 4/5: From the traces of the past to the education of the future

Students of the University of Potsdam report on their field trip in West Africa

Day 4: Visit the most important memorial sites in Accra Today, a visit to the Legon Interdominational Church on the campus and the Kwame Nkrumah …
Students out and about on the campus of the University of Accra

Let’s go to Ghana! – Days 1-3: Manifold experiences and impressions in Accra

Students of the University of Potsdam report on their field trip in West Africa

Day 1: Arrival in Accra and a first meeting with teaching staff of the University of Ghana (UG) Right after our arrival at “Yiri Lodge”, the …
Der kleine Fischerort Elmina

Let’s go to Ghana! Potsdam students on a field trip to West Africa

A group of 9 students from the faculty of philosophy travel to Ghana from the 7th to the 21st of December. The students from Bachelor and Master …
Maren Völz steht in einer Bootshalle.

“Strength, Endurance, and the Right Technique” – Potsdam student Maren Völz rows in the national team

“It feels great to glide across the water,” Maren Völz says enthusiastically. However, the rower knows from many years of experience that it takes a …
Einige Personen bei einer Preisverleihung

Excellent Digital Teaching – 2023 E-Learning Award Presented at the University of Potsdam

Prof. Dr. Nina Brendel has won the 2023 E-Learning Award of the University of Potsdam. The Professor for Geograpy Education received the award for her …
3D point cloud model of the Golm Campus

From Space and From the Air, with Laser and Neutrons – Modern Sensor Technology Helps to Better Understand the World

Archimedes discovered the law of hydrostatic buoyancy because he himself caused his bathtub to overflow, Isaac Newton is said to have discovered the …
Olkaria geothermal field

KAWI KWA TAIFA – Energy for the nation – Potsdam and Kenyan Geosciences Researchers Investigate Geothermal Areas in the East African Rift Valley

Ol Karia – red ochre in the Maasai language, is a clayey, iron rich deposit found in areas with volcanic hot springs in the Kenya Rift. Red ochre is …
Three apparently unhappy examiners ask the test subject to solve difficult problems and pose uncomfortable questions.

Stress Fest at the Stress Test – A visit to Prof. Dr. Pia-Maria Wippert’s laboratory

A plain and white-painted room in the historic building no. 12 at Neues Palais, one table, three chairs. Nothing suggests that things are about to get …

When a pipeline has a leak – hydrogen is to become a key element for the post-fossil age

“Water is the coal of the future. Tomorrow’s energy will be derived from water that has been broken down by an electric current. The constituent …
Prof. Heinz Völler and his team

Back to Work Without Cardiophobia – “AmPULS” is testing a program that supports a return to the workplace following cardiovascular disease and rehabilitation

The lakeshore behind the clinic invites for a walk. The resin scent of the nearby forest, the fresh wind blowing across the water – those who come to …