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News from the University of Potsdam

Selected Subject:
Der Sabbat bietet Zeit für Ruhe und Einkehr – auch im Grünen.

Green Sabbath – How an Ancient Jewish Ritual Could Save Us from the Ecological Crisis

What if we all did absolutely nothing for one day a week? How would we feel and what would our world look like? We could rest – and as a key side …
Computer-generated illustration of a protein

How plants adjust their photosynthesis to changing light – Publication in “Nature Communications”

Light supplies the energy plants need to build up biomass. A research team from Bergen, Bochum, Düsseldorf, Münster and Potsdam headed by Heinrich …
„Honeycomb Network“

Complexity Explained: Symmetric Tangling of Honeycomb Networks

Planar symmetry is a concept often encountered in geometry and design, where it plays a significant role in creating balanced and aesthetically …
Dr. Matthias Hartlieb im Interview

“Our Goal is to Develop an Alternative to Antibiotics” – Matthias Hartlieb and his team research synthetic polymers for biomedical applications

Dr. Matthias Hartlieb has declared war on antibiotic-resistant germs and, together with his colleagues, is researching how the properties of polymers …
Prof. Dr. Miriam Vock

Enormous gains – Eight years ago, Miriam Vock initiated Germany’s first qualification program for refugee teachers

How would I feel if I had to flee with my child from war and persecution to a foreign country, a country whose culture I don't know and whose language …
Dr. Anna von Rebay steht auf einem Surfbrett und surft im Meer auf einer Welle.

Attorney of the Seas – Alumna Dr. Anna von Rebay is committed to marine environmental protection with her law firm Ocean Vision Legal

Sharks, turtles, snails, and spider crabs: Dr. Anna von Rebay dives into the rich underwater world off the coast of Indonesia every day. "My …
Reservoir „Sierra Boyera“ in Córdoba (southern Spain) with intake tower. Usual water levels almost reach the top of the tower. Because of dehydration and low water level, a pipe system connects the intake tower with the closest water body in the photo.

Hydrologic models and climate change – Humboldt Fellow Patricio Yeste guest at the University of Potsdam

The research of Dr. Patricio Yeste involves the application of hydrologic models and the analysis of climate change impacts on water resources. Since …
Crowd of People in the Sun

Briefly Asked… – Jasper Tjaden, Professor for Applied Social Research and Public Policy

You are doing research on migration and integration. What interests you about it? I am interested in the complexity of the phenomena of migration and …
Christina Wolff, Central Equal Opportunity Commissioner and head of the Equal Opportunity Coordination Office at the University of Potsdam

“A Culture That Is Less Misogynistic Benefits Everyone at the University” – Christina Wolff on the Long Road to Equal Rights at Universities

We have been celebrating International Women's Day in March for over 100 years. It has its roots in the female workers' movement formed around …
Different social media buttons on a smartphone display.

Future Prospects – “SoMe4Dem” And How Social Media Can Damage or Strengthen Democracy

Fake news, manipulation, and opinion mongering – social media has made it easy to blur the lines between facts and opinions and influence public …