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News from the University of Potsdam

Selected Subject:
Prof. Filippo Carlà-Uhink and Niklas Engel

Gift or Bribery? – Corruption In the Ancient World, “Twisted Transfers” and What We Can Learn From Them Today

When former German Federal President Christian Wulff was forced to resign in 2012 following allegations of corruption, the debate, as always in such …
Karolina Zaczynska (linsk) und Prof. Manfred Stede (rechts) sitzen am Schreibtisch und geben ein Interview

How Diplomats Debate – Prof. Manfred Stede and Karolina Zaczynska Research the Trajectories of Conflicts in the UN Security Council

“We have made significant progress in the fifteen years since the Security Council passed its landmark resolution on women, peace and security,” …
Prof. Dr. Petra Warschburger im Interview

Chronically Ill – How Do You Get Through the Corona Pandemic?

Imagine you are ill, have been ill all your life. And then comes Corona. While everyone is talking about vulnerable groups, you are one of them. What …
Eye movement measurement

In the Blink of an Eye – Eye movements can reveal a lot – A junior research group investigates what exactly

Eye movements have long been a subject of research. For decades, cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics have been analyzing eye movements to …
Prof. Peter van der Beek researches the driving forces behind mountain formation

Across Mountains and Valleys – Prof. Peter van der Beek researches the driving forces behind mountain formation

Geoscientist Peter van der Beek is a specialist in thermochronology. With this method, he looks far back into the history of mountain ranges and …
At the BabyLAB

“It’s time for an Excellence Cluster at Potsdam …” – Vice President Prof. Dr. Barbara Höhle is highly determined

Barbara Höhle has a passion for science: With curiosity and experiments, she keeps advancing her subject psycholinguistics with great strides. Calm in …
Neckargmünd under water

When Heavy Rainfall Turns into Flash Floods – Hydrology research group examines the hazards of flash floods for cities

In July 2021, there were devastating floods caused by heavy rainfall with 180 deaths and immense economic damages in Rhineland-Palatine and …
The Vestfold Campus

Between Regional Customs and International Research - Uni Potsdam Visits EDUC Partner University of South-Eastern Norway

From June 13 to 15, a six-member delegation from the University of Potsdam, led by Vice President for International Affairs and Fundraising Prof. Dr. …
Illustration for the project „HateLess“: A red finger is chrushing a man under a keyboard. The illustraion is from Andreas Töpfer.

Preempting Hate Speech – How the “HateLess” program helps young people free their schools from hate speech

Scrolling through the comment sections of news platforms, one sometimes wishes there was a delete button to remove all the hate mail, insults, and …
Künstlerische Darstellung einer numerisch-relativistischen Simulation der Verschmelzung zweier Neutronensterne mit einem Bild der bei einer Goldionen-Kollision entstandenen Teilchen.

New insights into neutron stars matter

For the first time, an international research team, including Prof. Dr. Tim Dietrich (Potsdam University/Max Planck Institute for Gravitational …