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News from the University of Potsdam

Selected Subject:
Prof. Dr. Nina Kolleck

Education Without Borders – Nina Kolleck investigates how NGOs are changing education systems worldwide

Across borders, more digital, and more private – how is education changing against the backdrop of globalization? Does education stop at national …
Dr. Edzard Weber

Training like the Pros – Students of Business Informatics Develop Equipment for Youth Fire Departments

In case of fire and smoke, they are the life insurance of firefighters: Breathing apparatuses protect them from toxic fumes and provide enough oxygen. …
Prof. Zoran Nikolski

“We are bridging a gap that cannot yet be closed in the lab.” – Zoran Nikoloski about the world of bioinformatics

Biology is the scientific research of life, and computer science is the art of automatic information processing. Does that go together? Absolutely! …
Portrait von Viviane Triems

Side Job: Politician – Potsdam Student Viviane Triems Is Running for the 2024 European Elections

Europe is going to vote! From June 6 to 9, 2024, the people of the European Union will be called upon to vote on a total of 720 members of the …
Prof. Katharina Scheiter

How to Get the Digital Into the Classroom – The “Kompetenzverbund lernen:digital” is supposed to answer this question

The world is digital – and school has to become digital too. The German government has understood this and launched a large research consortium: …
Dr. Peter Kostädt

“If I could, I would make tomorrow’s Open Science infrastructures available today” – Dr. Peter Kostädt, Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the University of Potsdam

Open Science stands for science that is open, transparent, and as freely accessible as possible: What does your personal Open Science utopia look …
Dr. Jürgen Mey (l.) und Prof. Ankit Agarwal (m.) am Ganges zusammen mit dem Potsdamer Kollegen Dr. Wolfgang Schwanghart (r.).

The Collaborative Indo-German Project Co-PREPARE – Dr. Jürgen Mey, University of Potsdam & Prof. Ankit Agarwal, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee

Co-PREPARE – What is it about? Dr. Jürgen Mey: The project deals with natural hazards in the Himalayas. The challenges of global change come together …
Prof. Dr. Peter van der Beek

Prof. van der Beek becomes President of the European Geosciences Union

Peter van der Beek, Professor of General Geology at the University of Potsdam, was elected to serve as EGU President for the term 2025–2027. He was …
Neues Palais, Haus 10

A Visit among Friends – Thinking outside the Box Thanks to EDUC

How do we collect, manage, and present data on research projects? Which systems are in use in research data and science management? And how do …
First, distilled water is heated to 80°C in a six-liter glass reactor. The required chemicals, sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and water glass (Na2SiO3), are measured and prepared.

From the Lab to Industry – A visit to the innoFSPEC Transfer Lab

The Innovation Center innoFSPEC (innovative faseroptische Spektroskopie und Sensorik) was created as a joint venture of the University of Potsdam and …