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News from the University of Potsdam

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An illustration from the book "Kreuz und Quer durch die indische Welt" by John Hagenbeck

RAMPAGE – Professor Heiko Christians puts a current topic in perspective

They are acts of violence triggering exceptional horror and disbelief – shooting rampages often claim many lives. Most victims happen to be in the …
In the “molecule soup” of cells, it is “like on a train platform after a football match. They all bump into each other,” the physicist says. Picture: Adrian Elcock

“Like on a Train Platform after a Football Match” – Researching the inside of cells with statistical mechanics

Beginning where others stop and describing the indescribable indefinable are Ralf Metzler’s passions. Statistical mechanics is his hobbyhorse. The …
Since 2005 researchers have been continuously examining the development of children and adolescents in the PIER study. Picture: Karla Fritze

The Risk Inside – Psychologists examine which traits promote critical development.

The first data was collected in 2005. By now about 3,000 children and adolescents have participated in the PIER (Potsdamer intrapersonale …
A Deceptive Idyll: Zanzibar is struggling with environmental problems. Photo: Birgit Zipf

No More Plastic Bags – Earth and environmental scientists from the University of Potsdam are working with Zanzibar

Torsten Lipp, a geo-ecologist, wasn’t on a holiday trip; he was conducting scientific work on a fact-finding mission in Zanzibar. He worked for one …
When the back fails and literally nothing works anymore, it is often the sum of many minor and major burdens. Picture: Fotolia/Cello Armstrong

Life’s Burdens – When your back begins to gradually fail

Breaking your back; breathing down your neck; shouldering a burden – images of back strain pervade our language. Ignoring this too long will lead to …
“The microscope is a medium of visualization,” explains Lina Maria Stahl. Picture: Fotolia

Under the Eyeglass – When an object of science becomes an object of art

Microscopes make lots of thing visible too small to be seen by the naked eye. Microscopy uses preparations to make visible the otherwise invisible. …
Picture: Karla Fritze

“Top research and teaching in service of the state” – University President Oliver Günther on the University Development Plan 2014–2018

Important groundwork was laid in 2014 for the development of the University of Potsdam: a reorientation of the research profile and the signing of a …
Bees find ample forage in the Petzow orchards at Schwielowsee lake. Picture: Karla Fritze

Under Stress – Ecological models to help protect endangered bees

Their industriousness is legendary. Without them there would be no fruit. Of all plants dependent on insects over 85% are pollinated by bees. Their …
Picture: Fotolia/Ermolaev Alexandr

Navigating through the Text – Researchers have studied the efficiency of reading strategies

Literary texts have a firm place in many people’s lives. It is impossible to imagine German school lessons without them. Can students, however, …
“The basic problem of democratic policy is that we all want something different but have to coordinate ourselves to reach a decision,” Professor Steffen Ganghof says. Picture: Karla Fritze

Game of Democracy – How does democracy work?

Whenever you see the word “democracy”, parliament cannot be far off. Democracy very often implies parliament. Elected representation in most …